Sports Section :: Page 103
Peters new athletic director at YSHS
Long time cross country head coach and assistant track coach Vince Peters was approved by the school board at its Aug. 14 meeting as the new Yellow Springs High School/McKinney School athletic director. Peters has coached running at the high school for 25 years.
Youth rec soccer signup for fall set
Registration for the Yellow Springs youth recreational soccer program will be held Saturday, Aug. 30, 9 a.m., at Gaunt Park. A skills clinic will follow at 9:45, featuring instruction from the Yellow Springs High School girls and boys varsity soccer teams. All youth players first grade and older should plan on attending the clinic.
Bulldog golfers take first match of season
The results of the first golf match of the season, played Monday, Aug. 11, are Yellow Springs High School (178), Troy Christian (181), Xenia Christian (198). The Bulldogs scores were Max Fleishman (senior), 43; Carl Wiener (sophomore), 44; Joe Fugate (senior), 45; and Lucas Donnell (junior), 46.
Fun Run Sunday
The Yellow Springs High School cross country team will sponsor the annual Village Fun Run on Sunday, Aug. 16, at 6:30 p.m., as an opener to the cross country team’s parent-coaches meeting at 5:45 that evening at the high school.
Fall rec soccer to start
Games and practices for the fall season of the Youth Recreational Soccer program is scheduled to begin soon at Gaunt Park. The Morgan Building soccer fields are undergoing a major improvement project and will not be ready for play until 2009.
YSHS Soccer Alumni Games set for Saturday
The annual Yellow Springs High School Soccer Alumni Games will be played on Saturday, Aug. 16, at the YSHS stadium. The girls’ game will kick off at 5:30 p.m., with the boys game beginning at 7:30 p.m.
I’m sorry that the season’s over
How do you say goodbye? Parting is such sweet sorrow. (Remember the 1970s best seller, Love Story by Erich Segal, and its promotional line, “Being in love means never having to say you’re sorry.”
Join McKinney football, harriers
The McKinney School junior high sports program encourages athletes interested in participating in either the football or the cross country teams to join in now.
Football parent meeting
All parents/guardians of prospective McKinney School and Yellow Springs High School football players are asked to attend a meeting with the coaches on Friday, Aug. 8, at 7 p.m., at the high school.
Football coaches sought
The Miami Valley Warriors “semi-pro” football team has a few openings for football coaches. Previous coaching experience and football knowledge is preferred.
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