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  • BLOG — Perpetually pondering pizza

    I have heard it said that there’s no such thing as bad pizza. I have heard it said because I have said it. I’m kinda of the opinion that it’s not possible to go wrong with bread, tomato sauce and cheese; everything else is incidental. How lucky am I, then, to have moved to a […]

  • Let freedom ring

    The streets of Yellow Springs echoed with the sounds of the civil rights movement Monday morning. Admirers of Martin Luther King Jr. chanted “We Shall Overcome” as they marched through the streets; a jovial tribute to one of the most iconic and important figures in American history. Upon the crowd’s arrival at the Central Chapel […]

  • Odiorne home to open soon

    Four area residents team up to preserve the historic home on the corner of Xenia Avenue and Herman Street, where an open house is slated to take place sometime early next year.

  • October sun brings fall Street Fair to life

      Warm-weather seekers from the surrounding region surged into Yellow Springs for Saturday’s fall Street Fair. Kids went straight for the young fuzzy alpacas and the sand and henna art fundraiser for the Yellow Springs High School class of 2012, while others took an interest in hand-made jewelry, shea butter products and bonzai plantings. And […]

  • This is a test post

    Do not adjust your set. For the next five minutes, the Yellow Springs News will have full control of your computer. Repeat: do not adjust your set.

  • See you at the car show

    A car show at the Bryan Center last Saturday pulled over 50 entries from around the area.

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