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  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Badfinger, Aunty Gravity win rec league

    In the local recreational volleyball league, teams Badfinger and Aunty Gravity won their respective groups this season.

  • Library Association celebrates Founders Day

    The Yellow Springs Library Association will celebrate Founders Day on Saturday, Jan. 26, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. at the library, with a theme of music. Local musicians will perform in the Virginia Hamilton Room, and delicious baked goods as well as sheet music, CDs, DVDs and other music-related items will be on sale to benefit the […]

  • Villagers return to normal water use

    The Village will use Code Red at noon today to let villagers know they can return to normal water usage, following last week’s water line break in the Gaunt Park area.

  • BLOG — Not in my back yard! (But in my front yard.)

    A few weeks ago, the news ran its annual holiday story, in which various community members shared stories that they thought exemplified a sense of community. I thought I’d chime in with my own addition.

  • The year in review 2012: Levy passage boosts public schools

    The year in review 2012: Levy passage boosts public schools

  • Holiday events abound in village

    A variety of holiday-themed events will take place week-end in the village.

  • Bach Society performance features locals

    Yellow Springs residents William Spohn and Fred Bartenstein will sing with The Bach Society of Dayton when it presents its 10th anniversary holiday concert, “Sweet Sounds of the Holidays,” on Dec. 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kettering Adventist Church. The concert will feature seasonal favorites of Christmas and Hanukkah.  The Bach Society of Dayton […]

  • The Pine Forest

    This week’s entry is on The Pine Forest in the Glen Helen

  • BLOG-A Second Chance

    My husband recently told his Central State University class, “A smart person learns from their mistakes. A wise person learns from others’ mistakes.” Well, a wise person could definitely pick up a few pointers from me.

  • BLOG-For the Day’s Feast

    We will disperse far and wide to spend Thanksgiving with our extended families, but the Pre-Thanksgiving Feast is for our Yellow Springs friends.

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