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  • BLOG-Slow Simmer

    The family makes an investment in a crockpot sure to serve many elections ahead.

  • Anthrotech seeks volunteers for study

    Anthrotech, a local business specializing in body size research, will conduct a hand and wrist study on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 14 and 15 in Yellow Springs, and Monday–Wednesday, Nov. 18–20 in Dayton. 250 people are needed, ages 18–49, both men and women. Participants will have their wrists and hands measured and their height and […]

  • Robertson memorial set

    A celebration of the life of Richard Robertson will be held Saturday, Nov. 2, beginning at 2 p.m. in the Vernet Ecological Center, formerly the Glen Helen Building, located at 405 Corry St.

  • Alice Walker Wilds

    Alice Walker Wilds

    Alice Walker Wilds, surrounded by friends and family, peacefully passed away at the Maria-Joseph Care Center on Sept. 26 at the age of 89.

  • World comes to EnviroFlight

    EnviroFlight, a local business that makes animal feed out of insects, has been in the national media spotlight in recent weeks, with a spot on NPR’s “All Things Considered” and an upcoming feature on CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront.” Shown above, on Monday a CNN cameraman from Atlanta taped EnviroFlight founder Glen Courtright. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    in recent weeks, the world has been beating a path to Glen Courtright’s door. Last week, his company, EnviroFlight, was featured on NPR; Monday Courtright spent several hours being trailed by a CNN cameraman, and later this week, he will be interviewed by a news magazine from Brazil.

  • BLOG-The Dropped Pass

    Amy’s family forgets to bring a dish to pass for Rally Day, and she rushes to correct the mistake. Making a favorite fast soup, she misses the main pass but manages to serve a welcome hit.

  • Happy Labor Day

    The Gaunt Park hill was the place to be this past Saturday night for the Labor Day fireworks.

    The Yellow Springs News office will be closed today for Labor Day. Deadlines for classifieds, letters to the editor, press releases and display ads for this weeks paper will be tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 2 at 5 p.m.

  • Yellow Springs Arts Council Art House Hop— Local homes a museum for a day

    The art collection of Richard Lapedes and Maureen Lynch will be one of seven local collections available for viewing for the Saturday, Sept. 7 Art House Hop, which is a fundraiser for the Yellow Springs Arts Council. (Photo by Anisa Kline)

    The Art House Hop will be held on Saturday, Sept. 7 from noon to five. The event is a self-guided tour of seven different private collections in Yellow Springs, and will act as a fundraiser for the Yellow Springs Arts Council fundraiser.

  • BLOG — Par-tay!

    Hopscotch and conversation at the Stafford and Union streets block party on Saturday, Aug. 17.

    August 1 marked my four year anniversary as a resident of Yellow Springs, and in all that time, I had yet to attend one of the annual block parties until last weekend.

  • Profile of the herbicide ‘Escalade 2’

    According to Dr. Jason Russell, a medical toxicology fellow at the Ohio University College of Medicine who works at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, villagers have “not much to worry about.”

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