
Health & Wellness Section :: Page 13

  • COVID-19 update— ‘Worrisome’ trend? More new cases

    New cases of COVID-19 are rising in Greene County, Gov. Mike DeWine said at his June 18 press briefing. He highlighted Greene County as one of five southwest Ohio counties that have seen case increases in June.

  • ‘Worrisome’ COVID-19 rise in Greene County and SW Ohio

    Greene County is one of five southwest Ohio counties in which COVID-19 cases are rising, even as cases overall are falling in Ohio. Gov. Mike DeWine called the trend “worrisome” at his June 18 press briefing.

  • A closer look at COVID’s first wave

    In light of reopening, the News reviews how the pandemic has played out so far in the village and county, and looks at plans to reduce the spread of the virus as the shutdown comes to an end.

  • Yellow Springs’ own ‘Cassandra’: An interview with Dr. Allen Hunt

    This week, the News spoke with Dr. Allen Hunt, who was one of the earliest to sound the alarm about an impending pandemic. He addresses how the shutdown limited deaths from COVID-19, projections for a second wave, a potential vaccine and the problem with waiting for “herd immunity.”

  • ‘We have to trust the math’: An interview with Dr. Skip Leeds

    Two weeks ago, Yellow Springs News editor Megan Bachman spoke with local physician Dr. Stuart “Skip” Leeds by phone to get his take on COVID-19 in the state of Ohio and Yellow Springs. He addresses masks, Ohio’s reopening plan, early pandemic projections, the possibility of a second wave and local responses to the threat.

  • COVID-19 update— Nursing homes vulnerable

    Nursing homes across Ohio have adopted similar measures, and all have been operating under visitor restrictions since ordered to do so by the state health department on March 13.

  • Varied views on mask rules

    Whether visitors and villagers are following those directives — and should be made to — has become a matter of local contention in recent weeks.

  • Caution advised as stay-at-home restrictions lifted in Ohio

    Ohio’s stay-at-home restrictions have been lifted, but Ohioans are asked to exercise “personal responsibility and accountability to others” to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

  • Reopening restaurants: An interview with Dan Young

    Local restaurateur Dan Young, of Young’s Jersey Dairy, who was tapped to help draft the new health and safety guidelines for restaurants, spoke with the News last week.

  • Child care centers allowed to reopen on May 31

    Child care centers, day camps, campgrounds, gyms and fitness centers, pools and certain sports leagues were among the upcoming reopenings announced on May 14.

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