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Health & Wellness Section :: Page 28

  • Healing with ancient ways

    Virgil Mayor Apostol tends to get on people’s nerves. The holistic health practitioner treats his patients’ nervous system using traditional Filipino healing techniques like pulling, stretching, pressure and joint mobilization, and in so doing can help them heal from injury, chronic pain or work-related impairments.

  • A weekend of wellness and art healing

    With hopes of re-igniting regional interest in the town’s alternative therapies, holistic health practitioners and artists have teamed up to put on this weekend’s Wellness Experience.

  • West Nile issue: to spray or not?

    Last Thursday about 6:30 a.m, as many villagers still slept, a Greene County Combined Health District truck rolled slowly through a neighborhood in southern Yellow Springs spraying a fine mist of insecticides.

  • West Nile Virus found in village mosquitoes

    Local mosquitoes tested positive last week for West Nile Virus, a potentially serious illness, prompting the Greene County Combined Health District to begin spraying insecticide in one village neighborhood.

  • A overly-hot village keeps its cool

    Summer-saults: Even though the temperature rose to a lethargy-inducing 96° last Thursday, July 5, jumpers rose to the occasion to show off for the camera at Gaunt Park pool’s deep end. Pool officials cited heavy use during the heat, and a record attendance that Friday. (Photos by Suzanne Ehalt)

    Villagers took the second week of scorching heat like champions last Friday and Saturday, when temperatures soared to record highs. The Village pool was well utilized.

  • Villagers weigh in on their water

    Ask villagers about their experience with Yellow Springs water and the stories will flow.

  • Tackling hard water, hard choices

    Of all the critical decisions made by municipal governments, perhaps no decisions are more important than those concerning water.

  • YS a bright star on yoga map

    About 100 yoga practitioners from all over the country and other countries as well are descending on Yellow Springs to study yoga with Judith Lasater, a California-based and internationally-known yoga teacher.

  • Many issues of village water

    Water. We can’t live without it. But chances are, we don’t spend much time thinking about it. And questions regarding water quality are edging closer to Yellow Springs.

  • New family doctor comes to town

    Dr. Alan Fark has set up his new family medicine practice at 716 Xenia Avenue. His office is under the umbrella of the Springfield Regional Medical Group. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The local arts scene — and specifically this week’s Chamber Music Yellow Springs concert — can take some credit for bringing Dr. Alan Fark, a new physician, to town.

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