Land & Environmental Section :: Page 25
Yellow Springs youth lead their cattle to fair glory
Yellow Springs and Miami Township youth showed the animals they raised this year at this week’s Greene County Fair.
Drought affects crops, lawns
The hot and dry weather this summer has no doubt stressed local homeowners whose lawns have turned brown from lack of rain. But even more stressed are area crops.
Choice of replacement trees complex
“The right tree for the right location” is a phrase oft repeated by arborists dispensing long-term landscaping advice. It was used several times last week by those focused on deciding how to replace the trees that line the downtown.
If pears are removed, what should succeed them?
Local arborists suggested a few species of trees that might possibly be effective replacements for the Bradford pears downtown.
Village want to have their trees and defend them too
Last week villagers protested a plan to remove the Bradford pear trees downtown.
Village Council— TLT seeks preservation funds
At their June 18 meeting, Village Council members heard an appeal from Tecumseh Land Trust, or TLT, asking that Village government help preserve Glen Helen.
Group urges setting precedent in opposing oil, gas drilling
Yellow Springs may be the first community in Ohio to ban oil and gas drilling and waste wells within its municipal limits using a rights-based ordinance.
Fracking forum to push for YS ban
Environmental experts will share ways Yellow Springs can avoid contamination from oil and gas drilling and fracking waste wells at a forum on Saturday.
GMHA gardens on chopping block
Patricia High is dejected because she has until July 1 to transplant most of her beautiful garden at her Lawson Place unit, or the Greene Metropolitan Housing Authority will remove the plantings.
Stalled greenspace funds released
Thanks to the tireless efforts of Krista Magaw of the Tecumseh Land Trust, Don Hollister of Ohio League of Conservation Voters and several other environmental groups, Clean Ohio’s open space and agricultural easement purchase programs are once again fully funded.
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