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Land & Environmental Section :: Page 26

  • Flush with water— Thinking conservation amidst plenty

    Laurie Dreamspinner used the water from one of the four rain barrels connected to her downspouts to water the marigolds, peas and herbs she grows in her front and side yards. The stormwater reclamation saves her money and the already wet area unneeded runoff. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Ask villagers about their experience with Yellow Springs water and the stories will flow.

  • Plan dropped; wellhead likely safe

    Sometime in 1988, a host of volatile organic chemicals were found deep in the aquifer that feeds the Village’s municipal drinking water wells. Around the same time, the federal government mandated safeguarding the quality of the groundwater.

  • Borer likely dooms ash trees

    Nick Boutis, director of Glen Helen, last week identified some of the ash trees downtown, including this large ash outside the Jackson Lytle and Lewis Funeral Home on Xenia Avenue. The trees are at risk from the Emerald Ash Borer, and experts believe that if the insects ­ — which have killed millions of trees in Michigan and Ohio — aren’t already in the village, they will be soon. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Many majestic canopy trees around the village are ash trees. And if they’re not already infested with the Emerald Ash Borer beetle, they will be soon. Within a few years, they’ll be dead.

  • YS News Water Survey Results

    See the results from a recent Yellow Springs News online survey of 205 municipal water customers.

  • Green space funds waning

    A state program used to preserve area farmland for a decade has been halted, hindering a local land trust’s efforts to protect land from development.

  • Pitstick land purchased for agricultural use

    The 100 acres of farmland just north of the Center for Business and Education sold last month to the area farmers who had been farming it. While the local farm does not have a conservation easement on it, its use for agricultural purposes is likely to remain stable for now.

  • Bounty of village Earth Day events

    To commemorate the 42nd annual Earth Day this weekend, a mix of fun and education are on hand as an environmentally conscious village steps up to raise awareness about the beauty, and fragility, of the global ecosystem.

  • Oil and water— Drilling stirs new concerns

    West Bay Exploration, a Michigan oil and gas company, had received a permit from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to drill an exploratory oil well on a Miami Township property. Shown is a temporary drilling rig in southern Michigan, which is somewhat larger than what would be used in this area. (Submitted photo by West Bay Exploration)

    In the late 1800s northwestern Ohio was at the center of an oil boom, and Ohio became the world’s largest oil producer. Soon drilling moved to eastern and central Ohio, which is today at the center of another fossil fuel boom

  • Canadian David Suzuki speaks after film— Environmental icon comes to YS

    Canadian environmentalist Dr. David Suzuki will speak at the Little Art Theatre in Yellow Springs following the screening of his autobiographical film, Force of Nature, at 7 p.m. on Sunday, April 15. (Submitted photo)

    If you had one last lecture to give, what would you say? In the film Force of Nature, Dr. David Suzuki, known as the godfather of the environmental movement in Canada, delivers a legacy lecture indicting humanity for undermining the planet’s life support systems.

  • Water pollution we all create— Catching up with runaway runoff

    There is a gully in the Glen at the northeast edge of the village, not far from the Glen Helen Building. When it rains, water comes rushing into the Glen, carrying with it the runoff from the village, its street oils, its lawn chemicals, and its trash.

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