Land & Environmental Section :: Page 27
Toxic sites are under control
Over the past two decades, Vernay, along with Morris Bean & Company, YSI, Inc. and the Village Water Reclamation plant, have all been point sources of pollution to local ground and surface water. But through their efforts and work with the U.S. and Ohio Environmental Protection Agencies, all four point sources of area water pollution have made strides to control and mitigate the damage they caused to the local watershed.
Real watershed moments for area
Where Yellow Springs begins and ends is defined by clear political boundaries. But the village also exists within an ecosystem that has boundaries of its own. An important one is its watershed, an area of land that drains into a common waterway.
Village water, from the ground up
You could say the Yellow Springs water system began about 425 million years ago, when a large inland sea covered the area.
Many issues of village water
Water. We can’t live without it. But chances are, we don’t spend much time thinking about it. And questions regarding water quality are edging closer to Yellow Springs.
Land preservationist shares expertise with the Glen
Land preservationist Nancy Stranahan will give a talk on March 9 in the Glen about the efforts of her organization to preserve open spaces in southwest Ohio.
From sap to syrup
Michelle Burns and John Dewine of Flying Mouse Farms showed off their maple syrup operation on Sunday. See their “sugar shack” and more photos after the jump.
Blind pigs, turkeys, goats find home
Nick Ormes can rattle off from memory the animals he looks after on his 12-acre animal sanctuary on US 68. Abandoned or neglected by their owners, these animals faced a life of suffering or the slaughterhouse until Ormes, 58, stepped in to save them.
Ranch Menagerie home to animals big and small
Many animals come to live on Nick Ormes’ animal sanctuary on U.S. 68 because they are abandoned, neglected or surrendered by their owners. Others arrive the natural way — by being born there.
Drilling effects on groundwater questioned
Despite a yearlong campaign by Yellow Springs and Miami Township residents and environmental activists urging that area landowners not lease their land for oil and gas drilling, three residents northwest of the village in Miami Township have signed lease agreements.
Glen trails get makeover
When spring comes and Glen Helen fills up with hikers, they may notice that the nature preserve is easier to traverse, with new stairs, boardwalks and rails along its most-traveled trail.
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