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Recreation Section :: Page 7

  • Eat, Pray, Love

    Monica Hasek organized a Yellow Springs Version of the memoir “Eat, Pray, Love” last Thursday with the help of Yoga Springs Studio, the Winds Cafe and the Little Art.

  • All the cool is in the pool

    Gaunt Park pool was a popular place on Friday, June 25, for both Yellow Springers and area residents.

  • T-ball tooth fairies, divas, sluggers

    Siobhan McCane Stewart, 4, was out by second base, scooping up ground balls in her new and beautiful, shiny black and brilliant snow white, all-leather Rawlings fielder’s mitt.

  • Sea Dogs start season with a splash

    Miriam Barcus led the Sea Dogs swim team in early morning stretches at Gaunt Park this month to prepare them for the start of another wet season in the pool. (Submitted photo)

    The Yellow Springs Sea Dogs had their first two meets last week. The team swam well and had plenty of fun.

  • Grand Prix Criterium canceled

    The Yellow Springs Grand Prix Criterium that was scheduled for Friday night May 21 has been canceled due to scheduling difficulties, according to the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce. However, Friday night is still a Third Friday Fling, so from 6–9 Yellow Springs will be lively with music, dancing, wine tasting, gallery openings, shopping and […]

  • Birding by ear, Glen tallies 80 species

    Though the whipping, chilly wind didn’t feel like early May, the birds of Glen Helen puffed out their down and went ahead and sang anyway for the fourth annual Make It Count for the Birds fundraiser bird count on Saturday.

  • Tricksters skate to springtime tunes

    The YS Skate Park will complete its first phase of renovations on May 30, to be unveiled at Skate Fest on June 13, during Street Fair. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    About 100 people from the village and region showed up for music and tricking at Saturday’s Super Spectacular Extraordinarily Energized Skarstic Festival at the Yellow Springs Skate Park.

  • Kids, dogs and spring

    Isaiah Marley Search and Sophia Love Search found the small chairs at the Corner Cone to be just the right size and the veggie dogs and cones just the right choice for their supper.

  • 3…2…1…’10!

    Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5: 30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • New Year’s eve 2010 in the Village

    Click here to listen to the audio (Quicktime): Yellow Springers offer their New Year’s predictions for the Village in 2010. Read also Brooke Bryan’s story in the News or click here. By Brooke Bryan Click here to listen to the audio (Quicktime): Learn about the Ball and other interesting observations about New Year in Yellow […]

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