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Village Schools Section :: Page 14

  • Yellow Springs schools report rise in enrollment

    The number of students attending Yellow Springs Schools is up from last year, according to the district’s annual enrollment report, compiled in late fall.

  • Smith topples YSHS basketball record

    In a varsity girls basketball game at home on Thursday, Jan. 20, senior standout Angie Smith surpassed the long-held scoring record of 1,770 career points set by Evin Wimberly in 2005.

  • New school board makeup expected to bring changes

    After more than a decade, when changes in school board makeup occurred mostly one new member at a time, amid the constancy of veteran office holders serving multiple terms and carrying over familiar approaches, newcomers are in the super-majority as 2022 begins.

  • New school board members take seats

    The Yellow Springs school board’s annual organizational meeting, conducted in the Mills Lawn gym on Thursday, Jan. 13, began with the swearing in of its three newest members: Dorothée Bouquet, Judith Hempfling and Amy Magnus.

  • YSHS COVID-19 booster clinic Jan. 12

    A COVID-19 booster clinic for vaccinated children 12 and older will be held at Yellow Springs High School on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, from 1–3 p.m.

  • 2021 in Review | Village Schools

    The Yellow Springs public school district began 2021 with students set to continue learning remotely, through online instruction, in response to the ongoing pandemic.

  • Board members, treasurer end tenures

    Grateful goodbyes and an official welcome were expressed Monday night, Dec. 20, during the Yellow Springs school board’s monthly business meeting, held in person in the Mills Lawn Elementary School gym and livestreamed on the district’s YouTube channel.

  • District report card suggests losses for YS Schools

    Yellow Springs’ most recent score was 83.5 points out of a possible 120 (69.6%), representing a drop of five percentage points.

  • Mills Lawn School closed Wednesday due to gas leak

    Mills Lawn School exterior

    Mills Lawn School will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 8, as a precaution while a gas leak is remediated.

  • School district hires new treasurer, appoints new board member

    In a special meeting Tuesday morning, Nov. 22, the Yellow Springs school board approved the hiring of a new district treasurer and the appointment of a new board member.

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