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Village Schools Section :: Page 24

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education Meeting

    Yellow Springs Board of Education Special Meeting

  • Class of the pandemic— Coping with altered endings

    Seniors are graduating into a world stripped bare by a pandemic. They would have been celebrating the culmination of 12 to 13 years of consistent effort and determination. But rather than valiantly marching on to the next grand step in the journey of life, this year’s seniors simply drift, slowly floating over the line that marks the end of high school.

  • YSHS plans ‘drive-in’ graduation

    YSHS is planning to honor the class of 2020 with a two-part graduation event the evening of Wednesday, May 27, beginning with a “clap-out” vehicle parade of graduates through town and ending with an outdoor “drive-in” commencement ceremony at Antioch University Midwest.

  • Yellow Springs Schools— No early end to academic year

    Yellow Springs Schools Superintendent Terri Holden announced Friday, April 24, that despite the district’s hopes to end the school year two weeks early, after students reach the minimum instructional hours required by the state, distance learning will continue through the district’s originally scheduled final day, May 29.

  • Students adapt to remote learning

    Interacting with teachers and classmates mostly through websites and online programs, distance learning provides an alternative to in-person classes.

  • State nixes YS school district’s hope to end academic year early

    In a letter to district families Friday, April 24, Superintendent Terri Holden wrote that the Ohio Department of Education, or ODE, “has provided strongly worded guidance stating that all schools should remain in session virtually until the last scheduled school day.”

  • Yellow Springs School District explores early end to school year

    Yellow Springs’ final day is currently set as May 29, with teachers’ last day scheduled June 1. But Superintendent Terri Holden would like to shorten the school year by two weeks and conclude the instructional year May 15.

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education Meeting

    Yellow Springs Board of Education Special Meeting

  • Mills Lawn elementary school principal to leave district

    Matt Housh, principal of Mills Lawn elementary school for the past decade, announced in a letter to school families Tuesday, April 7, that he has accepted a position with Huber Heights City Schools and will be leaving the Yellow Springs district at the end of the academic year.

  • Schools closed through May 1

    Gov. Mike DeWine announced Monday, March 30, that he has ordered the continued closure of all kindergarten through 12th-grade schools until at least May 1.

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