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Village Schools Section :: Page 9

  • Facilities listening sessions begin

    The purpose of the event was to present to community members potential plans for upgrading the district’s schools that have already been discussed over the last several months by the Facilities Committee — as well as plans that have not yet been discussed — and listen to community feedback on those plans.

  • Turner steps into director role at YSCCC

    A Columbus native now living in Springfield, Turner has been part of the staff of the Children’s Center since 2018, and replaces former director Dana Zackey after serving as Zackey’s assistant director since last summer.

  • YSHS senior brings back cheer camp

    Senior Sophie Clouse-Taylor and the Yellow Springs High School cheer team hosted 37 Mills Lawn Elementary students for a three-day mini cheer camp. Clouse-Taylor organized the event for her senior capstone project.

  • Students of the Month — January 2023

    YS Schools announced the January recipients of student and faculty awards at the Jan. 12 Board of Education meeting.

  • Schools closed today, Wednesday, Jan. 25

    Sub-zero temperatures are predicted across the Midwest this week — here are some tips for staying warm and safe. (Photo by Suzsanne Szempruch)

    Yellow Springs Schools are closed today, Wednesday, Jan. 26 due to snow and ice.

  • School board broaches levy restrictions

    With a levy to address shoring up village school facilities expected from the school district this fall, the Yellow Springs Board of Education considered how it will present that levy to the community at its first meeting of the year on Jan. 12.

  • Facilities Committee split on renovation

    The YS Schools Facilities Committee continued to discuss potential options for renovation of the district’s public school buildings at its most recent meeting on Thursday, Jan. 5.

  • 2022 In Review | Education & Sports

    This year in education and athletics around Yellow Springs: The Facilities Committee was formed, young thespians staged a number of blockbuster performances, 30 students graduated from Antioch College, The Antioch School celebrated its centennial and more.

  • Facilities Committee | What might renovation cost?

    That question had more than one answer for committee and community members present at the meeting, as architect Mike Ruetschle and Michael Murdock, of maintenance plan advisor firm Motz Engineering, laid out two potential directions for the committee and, ultimately, the school board to consider.

  • YS Schools | Student, faculty awards presented

    YS Schools announced the November recipients of student and faculty awards at the Nov. 10 Board of Education meeting.

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