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Articles About Nonfiction
  • Yarn Registry BLOG: A Landfill is an Ecosystem Unto Itself, part I

    The concentration of man-made goods, harsh chemicals, and organic waste all rotting together makes for an environment that doesn’t — and can’t — exist anywhere in the natural world. And yet the landfill is teeming with life. Landfills, while ostensibly inhospitable, have become a biological niche, a biome based around humanity’s waste.

  • Yarn Registry – Can Older Brothers be Trusted? (Probably not.)

    “When I was younger, I would try to get my brother to believe outrageous things. The idea was to tell him something plausible enough to sound legit but ridiculous enough that if he believed it, he would look dumb and I would look hilarious.”

  • Yarn Registry – at the strongman contest at the Greene County Fair

    In addition to the demolition derby and pee-wee goat show, visitors to the Greene County Fair were able to check out a strongman contest. The contestants are universally the kind of people you’d want around if you ever find yourself pinned under something you can’t move.

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