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  • Summer track club to start

    The Miami Valley Track Club will start its summer track and field season on Monday, May 10. The first week will be for elementary school age athletes only. Junior high and high school athletes will be able to join after the conclusion of their school seasons.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    The Yellow Springs High School tennis team lost its game against Dayton Christian on Monday, April 19, at Fisher Park in Dayton. The final score was 1–4.

  • Antioch McGregor dean to give keynote

    Dr. Iris Weisman will take up her new post as vice chancellor for academic affairs at Antioch University on July 1.

    Iris Weisman, executive dean at Antioch University McGregor, will present the keynote address for Edison Community College’s 35th annual commencement on Friday, May 14.

  • Rec baseball registration begins

    Registration is now open for the 2010 youth baseball season for both minor and major leagues. Boys and girls, ages 7–11, are eligible to participate in the minor league, as long as they will not have turned 12 by June 1.

  • Julia Hutchison

    Julia Poole Hutchison, a former Yellow Springs resident, died Monday, April 12 at Greene Memorial Hospital in Xenia. She was 88. Julia was born June 9, 1921, to Elbert and Jenny Poole.

  • Community celebrates Coretta Scott King

    A bust of Coretta Scott King was installed Tuesday evening at the Antioch College celebration honoring Mrs. King's birthday. Shown above are, from left, Antioch College Interim President Matthew Derr, Dana Patterson, former director of the center, and Christopher Smith, senior music major form Central State University.

    About 50 villagers and members of the Antioch College community attended a celebration of the birthday of Antioch alum Coretta Scott King Tuesday night at the Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom. The event included the installation of a bust of Mrs. King.

  • BLOG – Allow me to introduce myself

    Hello, Yellow Springs: I’m going to spin you a yarn about the reason I moved here. Would you believe me if I said it was jealousy?

  • Green Fair activates bodies, minds and electrodes

    The second annual Green Fair on Saturday, April 24, attracted about 200 to 250 people who came to the Glen Helen Building to see, touch and learn about environmental consciousness. About 25 booths, including seed start planting, aluminum can crushing, recycled newspaper hat making and snake charming, engaged participants with interactive educational displays. The event […]

  • YSHS opens ‘Urinetown: The Musical’ this weekend

    The Yellow Springs High School/McKinney School present Urinetown: The Musical. Click on the title for showtimes and a link to an audio slideshow with stills from rehearsals and interviews with the actors.

  • Borchers smokes two events at Bucknell University meet

    Penn State University sophomore Sam Borchers doubled up and won two races last weekend, April 17–18, at an invitational Track & Field meet at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pa.

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