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  • Public Meetings

    Meetings are held in Council Chambers unless otherwise noted.

  • Board of Zoning Appeals – April 21, 2010

    Notice is hereby given that Mr. Brian Maughan has requested a variance from the front yard setback requirement in order to construct a second-floor porch on his property at 141 North Walnut St.

  • Asha Morgan steps down from Creative Memories

    Asha Morgan

    Asha Morgan has stepped down from the leadership of Creative Memories, the St. Cloud, Minn., subsidiary of The Antioch Company, according to an April 7 article in the St. Cloud Times. The leadership change is the first time since The Antioch Company was founded in 1926 by Morgan’s grandfather, Ernest Morgan, that the company has not been led by a member of the Morgan family.

  • Spindler is second of three school candidates

    Richard Spindler

    As the second of three Yellow Springs superintendent finalists, Richard Spindler paid a visit to the village on Tuesday evening to continue the interview process for the job with village schools.

  • First of three superintendent candidates visits Yellow Springs

    Starting down the home stretch of the superintendent search, candidate Tammy Carnahan came to Mills Lawn on Monday night for another round of interviews and a talk with the community. Carnahan lives less than three miles from Yellow Springs and serves as the assistant superintendent of Greenon Local Schools. Read more >>>

  • Board to vote on new school principals

    Matthew Housh and Tim Krier

    The Yellow Springs schools have recommended two principals for Yellow Springs High School and for Mills Lawn Elementary to be approved by the school board at the board’s meeting on Thursday, April 8.

  • Chappelle buys Kings Yard Building

    Kings Yard auction, Bryan Center, April 2, 2010

    Comedian and local resident Dave Chappelle is the new owner of the northern section of Kings Yard after an auction in which he outbid local real estate owner Bob Baldwin. The 7,500 square foot building houses 10 retail spaces in Kings Yard.

  • Rodney Bean to leave Senior Center

    Yellow Springs Senior Center director Rodney Bean feels that it’s time for a change, and as the center has been oriented toward campaigning for a new space, now seems like a good time to let someone new take the helm. On May 28 he will step down to let that happen.

  • Careful, now…

    Roy Woods of Bellefountaine

    Roy Woods of Bellefontaine was fully geared-up and having a good time, along with local young people at the Yellow Springs skate park.

  • Superintendent finalists visit

    Three school superintendent candidates will visit the village next week, and the community is invited to hear from them, ask questions and get involved in choosing at meetings, Mon.–Wed., April 5–7, from 5:40 to 7:15 p.m.

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