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  • Telling stories to save the land

    Eric Wolf remembers the moment he made an emotional commitment to supporting farmland preservation. He had returned to Shelter Island outside New York City, the place where as a child he went to hunt scallops and wonder at the expanse of cornfields.

  • Soccer to resume

    The spring season of recreational soccer will resume the week ending Saturday, April 10. Team rosters and coaches continue playing together as organized in the fall. Games for Bronze Cup, grades 1–3, and Silver Cup, grades 4–5, are scheduled for Saturday mornings.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    With only seven competitors due to spring break, the YSHS boys track team finished sixth out of eight teams at a windy, rainy Versailles Invitational on Saturday, April 3. Houston won the meet, and Minster finished second.

  • Antone DaCosta

    Antone “Tony” Lavon DaCosta died on Thursday, April 1. He was 58. Antone was born December 11, 1952, to Cecil G. DaCosta and Velma B. DaCosta (née Anderson) at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital in Hamilton, Bermuda.

  • Jacque Begin

    Jacqueline Sue “Jacque” Begin died Tuesday, March 30 in her Dayton home. She was 58. Jacque was born October 20, 1951 in Urbana to Gerald Sr. and Norma Bezold. She was employed by Boonshoft Museum of Discovery in Dayton, where she worked as the manager of special events and museum interests.

  • Final superintendent candidate visits

    Mario Basora, the third candidate for the superintendent position in the Yellow Springs School District, presented elements of his life and work to the community at Mills Lawn on Wednesday evening. Basora — who is currently principal of Wyoming Middle School in Cincinnati, the state of Ohio’s top performing school — said it’s important to him that the community get a feel for who he is and how he thinks about education. First, he said, is his family. And he happened to bring them along.

  • 2010 Supplemental Appropriations Ordinance

    Click here to view the ordinance (.PDF format).

  • Planning Commission Meeting Agenda – April 12, 2010

    The Village of Yellow Springs is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. The Planning Commission meeting is wheelchair accessible.

  • Ordinance #2010-05 Authorizing the Annual Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency

    Interested persons will take note that the Village Council of Yellow Springs on Monday, April 5, 2010, gave first reading to and passed an emergency ordinance, text to follow.

  • Ordinance #2010-07 Changing Panel Title

    Interested persons will take note that the Village Council of Yellow Springs on Monday, April 5, 2010, gave first reading to an ordinance, text to follow.

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