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  • Bulldogs fall to Middletown Christian

    Ameer Wagner runs the bases

    The Middletown Christian Eagles bats were too much for the hometown Yellow Springs Bulldogs to overcome Tuesday, April 12, at Gaunt Park. The Eagles left the village with a 15–1 victory.

  • YSI receives Third Frontier grant

    YSI Incorporated is one of six statewide projects recently funded by the Ohio Department of Development’s Third Frontier grant, which seeks to spur economic development in Ohio, YSI leaders found out recently.

  • Antioch College features Whitmore

    Saturday night’s opening reception of “Robert Whitmore: A Devoted Sense of Place” at the Antioch College Herndon Gallery. Shown are Kay Kendall with Sue Parker; in the background is Ali Thomas.

    Antioch College’s Herndon Gallery features a retrospective of Robert Whitmore’s oils and works on papers, with an emphasis on local landscapes.

  • Antioch Underground

    Drilling on the front lawn of the Antioch College to determine the feasibility of using geothermal heating

    On Friday, April 9, employees of Crabtree Drilling of Springfield and Eaton Drilling of West Liberty drilled 300 feet down on the front lawn of the Antioch College campus in a first step toward determining the feasibility of using geothermal heating on campus. (Click on the headline to read more)

  • New principals for Mills Lawn and McKinney/YSHS

    Tim Krier, left, and Matt Housh, right

    At the April 8 Board of Education meeting, Interim Superintendent Tony Armocida said he is pleased to recommend candidates Matt Housh and Tim Krier to the board for approval for the positions of principals of Mills Lawn School and YSHS/McKinney, respectively. Click the title to read more.

  • Which came first, the bunny or the egg?

    Amani Wagner, left, and Hailey Qualls bowed their heads to the wind and plucked as many eggs from the Gaunt Park hill as their baskets could hold.

  • Schools vote on principals

    One is a 38-year-old musician and former skateboarder who lives in Yellow Springs, the other, a 43-year-old doctoral student who wouldn’t have considered any other district. Both will be considered by the Yellow Springs school board for the positions of principal at the board’s meeting on Thursday, April 8, at 6 p.m. at Mills Lawn.

  • Superintendent candidates visit YS

    Starting down the home stretch of the Yellow Springs school superintendent search, candidate Tammy Carnahan came to Mills Lawn on Monday night and candidate Richard Spindler visited on Tuesday night for another round of interviews and a talk with the community.

  • Fluoridation

    The new Village dog park will remain at Ellis Park, after the majority of Council members were not swayed at their April 5 meeting by arguments to relocate the park to a new location.

  • Chappelle buys Kings Yard

    A local auction took an unexpected twist last Friday afternoon when comedian and community resident Dave Chappelle became the new owner of the north end of Kings Yard.

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