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  • Paula Spier

    Paula Spier

    Paula Lazarus Spier died Oct. 4, in Brewster, Mass., of Parkinson’s disease. She was 88

  • Issue 2 to stem workers rights

    Voting yes for Issue 2 will ratify SB 5 and stem the bargaining power of public employees; voting no will send SB 5 to the scrap heap.

  • A painter seeks to lift spirits

    Longtime Dayton area abstract painter Elizabeth (Beth) Hertz stands next to “Blue Riser,” a work she has loaned to the Friends Care Community for its new rehabilitation wing. Beth is a resident of the FCC Assisted Living Center. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    It would be hard to find someone with a more unique story than that of Elizabeth (Beth) Hertz, a painter well known in the Dayton area for more than four decades.

  • Vigilant for good, quick food

    Wendy Copper of Yellow Springs, pictured above, and her business partner, Doug Siegal of Bloomington, Ind., have launched a new business, Vigilant Eats. Their first product, Organic Superfood Oat-based Cereal, is being sold at the Emporium/Underdog Café. You can find the cereal beside the oatmeal on the cream stand. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Wendy Copper and her business partner have taken an initial step toward their goal by releasing their first food product, Organic Superfood Oat-based Cereal.

  • Boys soccer heads to district final

    With Tuesday’s 2–1 victory over Greeneview, the Yellow Springs High School boys soccer team heads to the district final for the fifth year in a row.

  • YSHS fall and winter sports announcements

    The Yellow Springs High School Fall Sports Awards night is Wednesday, Nov. 2, at 6 p.m. at Yellow Springs High School. Junior high and high school girls basketball begins Friday, Oct. 28, at 4 p.m. at the YSHS gym. Boys basketball and swimming begin the following Friday, Nov. 4. All athletes need a physical and […]

  • Goat mowing at Antioch

    To clear weeds at the Antioch College farm, the college has turned to four-legged help.

  • Pumpkins soar above the fields

    Young’s Jersey Dairy hosted the first Midwest Pumpkin Chuck on Saturday.

  • BLOG – Happy Halloween, everybody

    When I was a kid, Halloween was a holiday that could not make up its mind: there were ghost stories, which introduced us to the dark mystery, the tingling awe and fear of things unseen, the whisper of the possibility of life after death. There was also the jubilant promise of candy, one unbridled night […]

  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Boys soccer wins 10-0, Miller advances to regionals

    In post season action, the YSHS boys soccer team advanced to the second round of sectionals while the girls ended their season and harrier Lois Miller advanced to regionals.

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