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  • Aurora Borealis over Yellow Springs

    Thanks to an especially strong solar wind hitting the earth’s magnetosphere, last week the Northern lights were visible in Yellow Springs.

  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Bulldogs fall in tournaments

    For Yellow Springs High School athletes, deep runs into post-season tournaments ended on Saturday.

  • Board Of Education

    Special Meeting, Saturday, Oct. 29 at 9 a.m.

  • Mills Lawn students kick off Yelloween

    Mills Lawn students were out in their holiday finest yesterday, kicking off a weekend of Yelloween festivities with the annual Halloween Parade. A plethora of scary, silly, fun and creative costumes could be seen as the children showed off on Xenia Avenue.

  • Geis replaces Omlor as leader of YSI

    Change in leadership is afoot at YSI.

  • Public Meetings

    Environmental Commission, Human Relations Committee

  • John Daniel Olsen

    John Olsen

    John Daniel Olsen, formerly of Yellow Springs, died Sunday, Oct. 23. He was 39 years old.

  • Terrence Allen

    Lloyd Allen

    Terrence Lloyd Allen of Springfield died Oct. 17 at Friends Care Center in Yellow Springs. He was 85.

  • What, are you yellow? Village celebrates the good scare

    As if black birds were pecking at our downtown garden, scarecrows — 35 at last count — have been popping up over the last two weeks, looming over visitors and villagers coming to town to see the latest creations. Ye Olde Trail Tavern owner Cathy Christian came up with the idea last year, and this year she teamed up with downtown business supporters Bob Swaney and Mindy Harney to make it happen. Ohio Silver owner Marcia Wallgren was caught gluing gems on her Silver Queen’s shoes Tuesday. See page 8, and visit to see more of the creative creatures. (Photo by Suzanne Ehalt)

    The scarecrows lining village streets portend a dark time ahead; Yelloween is coming, and the town is set to both attract tourists and to repulse them.

  • Oct. 27, 2011 Bulldog sports round-up

    Lois Miller crossed the finish line first to win 26th Annual Yellow Springs Invitational at Young’s Dairy for the second year in a row. Miller’s time of 19:41 was a lifetime best. Later in the week, Miller qualified for regionals. (Submitted photo by Vince Peters)

    Oct. 27, 2011 Bulldog sports round-up

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