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Snow accumulated to about four inches in the first half of the day. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

Snow accumulated to about four inches in the first half of the day. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

Snow emergency, drive with care

The Greene County Sheriff’s Department has issued a Level 1 Snow Emergency for the county on Friday, Jan. 25. A Level 1 Emergency means that roads are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow, along with occasional ice. Drivers should use caution.

The Yellow Springs schools are in regular session, with no plans as of Friday morning at 10:30 a.m. to dismiss early, as the snow is expected to end around noon.

The village was hit by a snowstorm at around 7:30 a.m. today, after students were already on busses to schools. Two to four inches of snow are expected to fall, ending in early afternoon, according to NOAA. There is a slight chance of additional snow between 10 p.m. and midnight tonight.

Update, Noon, 1/25: The Yellow Springs Schools officially canceled all afternoon and evening activities for tonight. For more information, contact the Board of Education at 767-7381, or the individual schools:

• Mills Lawn School: 767-7217
• McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School: 767-7224

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