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  • Fireworks on again

    The rescheduled Yellow Springs Independence Day parade will take place today, July 6, at 3 p.m.

  • Minor league Indians march on

    The Indians looked to stay unbeaten in the Yellow Springs youth recreational baseball league on Saturday, when they took on the Dragons.

  • BLOG-Haircuts All Around

    The family starts summer with a full set of fresh haircuts.

  • Special Olympics torch runs through the village

    Yesterday evening, an entourage of five runners, escorted by a phalanx of police vehicles, carried the “Flame of Hope” for the Ohio Special Olympics.

  • In Glen Helen, search winding down, no one found

    About 20 officers from various jurisdictions combed through Glen Helen and John Bryan Park today in a search for a man alleged to be carrying a gun. However, the search was called off late this afternoon, and the man is believed to have left the area.

  • Antioch College begins renovation to theater and gym

    Last week about 100 Antioch College alumni returned to campus to engage in the ongoing work, both creative and backbreaking, of rebuilding their school.

  • Starflower says ‘no’ to GMO

    Starflower Natural Foods owner Marnie Neumann recently vowed to stop purchasing new items that contain GMOs for her store, saying that GMOs are both unhealthy to eat and bad for the environment. Soon Starflower may be completely GMO-free.

  • Profile of the herbicide ‘Escalade 2’

    According to Dr. Jason Russell, a medical toxicology fellow at the Ohio University College of Medicine who works at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, villagers have “not much to worry about.”

  • Kindness and capers at t-ball

    “Okay, everyone on your hands and knees!” I say. “I know what we’re going to do!” Caroline Tucker sings out enthusiastically. “What?” I ask. “Everyone crawl around two other human beings!” Caroline says.

  • Pool closed 2 days after herbicide application— Spraying sparks controversy

    Several villagers spoke passionately and heatedly about their frustrations and fears around the Wednesday, June 12, overuse of herbicides on the grass around the Gaunt Park pool at Village Council’s June 17 meeting.

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