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  • BLOG-Sugar Rush

    Standing together and challenging each other beats the pants off of enduring alone.

  • Pool temporarily closed

    On June 12, 2013, the Village staff applied an herbicide to the clover in the grassy area around the pool, forcing closure.

  • Downtown lighting gets a makeover

    New streetlights were installed on Xenia Avenue last week, and will be installed on Dayton Street soon.

  • Sculptor Alice Robrish— Exploring identity with ceramics

    Local sculptor Alive Robrish’s new show, “Who are We?” will open at the Yellow Springs Arts Council Gallery on Corry Street on Friday, June 14. (Photo by Anisa Kline)

    On June 14, Alice Robrish’s show, “Who Are We?,” will open at the Yellow Springs Arts Council Gallery on Corry Street.

  • Patricia Johnston

    Patricia E. Johnston, age 92 of Fairborn, passed away Saturday, June 8, in the Trinity Community of Beavercreek.

  • Former basketball coach Charlie Coles­— A coach like no other

    Charlie Coles will be remembered as the longtime Miami University men’s basketball coach who earned more wins than any other coach in school history. But before he became a college coaching legend, Coles was a basketball hero in Yellow Springs.

  • A new lighting look downtown

    Village electric crew members Dan Mayenschein (in bucket) Chris Hamilton and Jane Hamilton installed one of the three new streetlights on the north end of Xenia Avenue on Monday. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Villagers who venture downtown this week may notice that the Village electric crew finished installing three street lamps at the north end of downtown.

  • Pig Wings take flight this weekend

    For Tomaz and Margaret Williams, ministering and cooking have a lot in common.

  • Pride weekend for all, take two

    The second annual Yellow Springs Pride Weekend, June 14–16, will feature a sidewalk parade, educational talks and booths, late night parties with live music, DJs and drag troupes and a family-friendly potluck picnic. Here, Liam Hackett marched in last year’s Sidewalk Pride Walk, which drew 200 participants. (File photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The largest gay pride event in the world takes place in São Paulo, Brazil, where annually more than 3 million people attend, while the smallest is in an Irish coastal village of 250 people. Yellow Springs Pride Weekend, in its second year, will likely fall somewhere in between.

  • Car accident takes young life

    On Saturday evening, June 1, Trista Lindstrom, 17, was killed when her vehicle was struck by a water tanker at the intersection of Clifton and Grinnell roads.

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