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  • BLOG – Kayaks & Canoes

    This was 1 of 3 vehicles I saw on Saturday that were transporting kayaks— sure looked like fun!

    Over the past months, canoes have been laying low and kayaks have collected snow. Now that it’s summer, I was excited to see the number of kayaks on the go this weekend!

  • Locals contend at racewalk nationals

    Yellow Springs High School sophomore Charlotte Walkey placed 11th at last week’s USA Junior Olympic Track & Field Nationals at North Carolina A&T University in Greensboro, N.C. Walkey competed in the 3,000-meter race walk, placing 11th out of the 28 walkers in her division with a time of 17:36. Also competing in the same race […]

  • Yellow Springs school community upbraids school board for poor management

    At the vociferous urging of the local community, the Yellow Springs school board voted in a special meeting today to approve raises for its five administrators.

  • BLOG-Big Toy Salute

    Last Sunday, the time had come to say goodbye to the Mills Lawn “Big Toy”. We spent a leisurely afternoon doing just that.

  • Emergency School Board Meeting

    Emergency Board Meeting, August 3, 2013 at 2:00 p.m.

  • Going public about B.O., naturally

    Adriene Kramer has found a product that works to deodorize without harmful chemicals — it’s one she makes herself.

  • WYSO brings family to town

    The first thing Toylyn, Basim and Malcolm Blunt did when they moved into their house on North Stafford Street was light incense and candles as a way to prepare the space and bring positive energy to their new home.

  • 2013 Village budget deemed on track

    Halfway through the fiscal year, the Village of Yellow Springs 2013 budget appears to be on target, Village Finance Director Sharon Potter told Village Council at its July 15 meeting during a State of the Budget report.

  • More candidates vie for offices

    With just under two weeks left to file petitions to run for local office, the races for Village Council, school board and Township Trustees are becoming more robust, according to the Greene County Board of Elections this week.

  • Village Zoning Appeals Board— Distillery, preschool get variances

    S & G Artisan Distillery is closer to being approved for an increased tasting room at its production facility at MillWorks; the Village approved three variances allowing the Children’s Montessori Cooperative to operate a small preschool at 107 Tower Court.

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