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  • BLOG — Cold comfort

    Wind chills of -39 degrees are enough to stop anybody making amused comments about my migration from a semi-tropical climate, though perhaps this is only because people’s mouths are hidden behind scarves or their teeth are chattering involuntarily.

  • Village Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, Jan. 13, 2014, 7 p.m.

  • Council meeting rescheduled

    Meeting is rescheduled for Monday, January 13, at 7 p.m.

  • New optometrist in village

    Dr. Todd McManus has opened a new optometry practice in the village.

  • Founders Award nominations open

    Long time Police Chief James A. McKee, who passed away Jan. 18, 2003.

    The James A. McKee Association, is seeking nominations for its Founders Award for Distinguished Community Service. The deadline to submit is Feb. 15. Find out who to nominate and how, also learn more about former Police Chief McKee.

  • BLOG-Pulled Pork

    After many hours in the company of our slow cooker, we were by intoxicated the aroma of sweet, spiced meat. And newly resolved to prepare pulled pork often.

  • ‘Auld Lang Syne’ at New Year’s eve, 2013

    A red lantern bounces among the crowd of revelers New Years Eve on Xenia Avenue. (Photo by Matt MInde)

    We all know that iconic New Year’s eve melody. Or do we?

  • The Pickle’s first pickle

    My boyfriend and I have decided to move in together. How do I tell my current roommate/best friend who is already excitedly hunting for our next apartment?

  • January 2, 2014 Bulldog sport round-up

    Eighth grade post Tony Marinelli went for a layup against Troy Christian on Dec. 9. The McKinney Bulldog team also lost their Dec. 19 game against Dayton Christian last week; however the McKinney seventh grade team and the YSHS varsity teams won their respective games. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    January 2, 2014 Bulldog sport round-up

  • 2013 Yellow Springs year in review: births and deaths

    Village births and deaths in 2013

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