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  • Songwriter’s concert features locals

    Charlie Peters, left, started a Songwriter’s Concert Series for local musicians to share their original work. Performing at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 7, at the Yellow Springs Arts Council Community Gallery are local songwriters Scott Lindberg, second from left, accompanied by Amy Blue, and Mitch Coleman, right. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Local songwriters Scott Lindberg and Mitch Coleman will share their original work as part of a monthly concert series at the YSAC gallery.

  • Yellow Springs schools on two-hour delay Thursday Feb. 5

    Yellow Springs Schools are on a two-hour delay due to recent snowfall and sub-zero temperatures, making roads and walkways hazardous. (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    The Yellow Springs Board of Education has placed village schools on a two-hour delay for Thursday, Feb. 5 due to recent snowfall and slick road conditions.

  • Council nixes grant for wetland

    One of the beavers present in the Glass Farm wetland. (submitted photo by Scott Stolsenberg)

    At their Jan. 20 meeting, Village Council delivered a setback to a group of local environmentalists who sought to develop a management plan for a wetlands on the Glass Farm.

  • Mini dramas pique, entertain

    The Yellow Springs Theater Company presents the Yellow Springs Ten Minute Play Festival on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 30–31, 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Admission is $10 at the door. Here, from left, Sommer McGuire, Krissy Hartman and Ron Weber rehearse Jerry Holt’s play, “Bagged.” (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    For the fifth consecutive year, the Ten Minute Play Festival that revived community theater in Yellow Springs is back. The Yellow Springs Theater Company is producing a range of comedies, dramas and experimental pieces about sharp-toothed animals, the talking dead, burglars with a conscience and growing old in a small town, with all local or locally associated playwrights, directors, actors and producers.

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Public art is the focus of TAG!

    Spray painted on a wall somewhere is a quote about graffiti: Art in a frame is like an eagle in a birdcage.

  • 2014 Village revenues beat expectations

    There was good news regarding last year’s Village general fund budget at Village Council’s Jan. 20 meeting, according to Finance Director Melissa Vanzant. In 2014, revenues exceeded projections and expenses came in lower than expected.

  • Penrod faces criminal charges

    Yellow Springs Sergeant Naomi Penrod was charged in Xenia Municipal Court on Monday with three misdemeanors related to an altercation she had with a village resident in November.

  • Planning Commission Meeting

    Agenda for Mon., Feb. 9, 2015, 7:00 p.m.

  • Board Of Education Meeting

    Thursday, Feb. 12, 7 p.m.

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