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  • Springfield architectural tour comes to Yellow Springs

    The Summer Tour Series gets under way this weekend in Springfield and finishes in August with an architectural investigation of Antioch College.

  • Kids get kicks (and fire truck rides!) with Miami Township Fire-Rescue

    The local fire and EMS squad held a fundraiser this weekend during National Emergency Medical Service Week.

  • BLOG-Lots of Little

    I learn to modify my chosen verb of action appropriately so that the adverb urgently does not overwhelm.

  • Ephemeral spring!

    The remnants of May flowers are scattered on the sidewalks and washed into the drains. But the promise of that brief burst of color seems to keep us going through the cold, dark months. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Recent harsh winds and driving rains have all but eliminated the brief burst of color that is the signature of Spring.

  • Yellow Springs schools host all-school art show

    Yellow Springs schools will host its annual K–12 art show at McKinney/YSHS tonight, May 14, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

  • Mills Park Hotel delayed until the fall

    Due to construction delays, the Mills Park Hotel will open in late 2015 instead of the summer as initially planned. The 24,000-square-foot, 28-room hotel is inspired by late 19th-century Southern colonial architecture and the former Mills House that stood across the street. Pictured is a view of the third story interior, which features 12 rooms and a communal sitting area. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The Mills Park Hotel, originally slated to be open in June, will likely not open until October or November due to unforeseen delays with contractors, according to owner Jim Hammond.

  • Roosevelt to leave Antioch College in December

    Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt addressed a capacity crowd on campus Tuesday afternoon with the news that he will be stepping down in December of this year, when his contract expires. He says he “will have finished” what he tried to do. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    At a meeting attended by several hundred in the Antioch College community on Tuesday, May 5, College President Mark Roosevelt announced that he will no longer lead the college when his five-year contract expires at the end of 2015.

  • International fellows stay in Yellow Springs

    Nadia Jalawi, left, of Malaysia, and Ratih Rahmadanti of Indonesia are young professionals visiting Yellow Springs for a month as part of a cultural and professional exchange sponsored by the U.S. State Department and the International City/County Management Association. While here, they will be helping Village government find ways to engage citizens with social media. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Ratih Rahmadanti of Indonesia is keen on learning about civic engagement in a municipal government. Nadia Jalawi of Malaysia is interested in how a municipality can include renewables in its energy portfolio, and hopes to take what she learns back to her country.

  • Goldie M. Taylor Crawford

    Goldie M. Taylor Crawford

    Goldie M. Taylor Crawford departed this life on May 6.

  • Village Council finds unity on utility bill change

    Unified support around a proposed policy change to hold landlords responsible for their tenants’ utility debts emerged again at Village Council’s May 4 meeting, when Council voted 5–0 in favor of the change.

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