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  • A life of service abroad

    Ashley Lackovich-Van Gorp, who recently moved with her family to Yellow Springs, has founded a nonprofit, Enhance Worldwide, which aims to help girls in Ethiopia “navigate a pathway out of poverty.” She recently received a Ph.D. in Leadership and Change from Antioch University. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Ashley Lackovich-Van Gorp is the founder and executive director of the nonprofit organization Enhance Worldwide, which seeks to help girls “as they navigate a pathway out of poverty.”

  • YSHS gains national honor a second time

    For the second time in the past five years, Yellow Springs High School was named one of the state’s top high schools in the annual U.S. News and World Report high school survey.

  • Villager to read poems about concentration camp

    Villager Luisa Owen will read original poems in German on Friday, June 5, at the Epic Book Shop.

  • Water Alert

    Due to a faulty valve in the water distribution system causing a short interruption in water service in the area south of Herman Street this morning, it is necessary for the Village to issue a boil advisory for Herman Street and all streets south.

  • Local policing survey results

    A desire for more engagement between the police and the community was at the top of a list of suggestions for the Yellow Springs Police Department in a recent online survey. Overall, respondents said they were satisfied with the YSPD, while numerous cited their concerns.

  • BLOG-Blueberry Block Party

    My resolve is not born of spontaneity but to a specific purpose: fellowship.

  • Academic project sharing closes out the Yellow Springs school year

    The Yellow Springs school district invited the community to two project-based sharing nights at the schools this week.

  • Bid Request For Sidewalk Rehabilitation

    SEALED BIDS will be received by the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio until 10:00 a.m., (local time) on Monday, June 8, 2015

  • Bid Request For Utility Line Clearing and Tree Trimming

    2015 Electric Utility Line Clearing & Tree Trimming

  • 2015 Supplemental Appropriations & Declaring An Emergency

    Ordinance No. 2015-10, Village Of Yellow Springs, Ohio

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