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  • Repealing Old Energy Board Code & Enacting New Ordinance

    Ordinance No. 2015-23, Village Of Yellow Springs, Ohio

  • BLOG— Starry, starry thoughts

    What is it about space and death? Our human lives are so small, so brief. We’re mayflies born to live one day, or one second, or not even one, in cosmic time.

  • BLOG — Silently, now

    As the daughter of a Methodist minister, I learned early about the value of silence.

  • BLOG-Magic Carpet Ride

    Artist Sharri Phillips lovingly invites us into her dreamspaces…beautifully cultivated realms brimming with grace, play, and goodness.

  • Fearsome fun!

    Mills Lawn School tutor Kelli Lewis, teacher Kristin McNeely and Title I Tutor Nan Meekin carry their metaphorical building materials, chased by the Big Bad Wolf (aka counselor John Gudgel) along the school’s annual Halloween parade route. Hopefully they learned their lesson. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Mills Lawn School disgorged fantastical creatures of all types on Friday, the eve before Halloween.

  • The latest piece of technology

    Let’s all hear it for the technological breakthrough of Tiny Blue Checkboxes!

  • 2015 election results

    2015 Election results, by precinct

  • Boys soccer loses good fight

    YSHS senior Kaner Butler held off a Twin Valley South player on the way to the Bulldogs’ win over West Alexandria in the first round of Div. III District tournament play last month. Last week in the district semi-finals, the Bulldogs succumbed to Summit Country Day, ranked first in the state. (photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    A lot of people don’t realize the success we’ve had,” Yellow Springs High School boys soccer coach Ben Van Ausdal said about his team’s recent tournament run. “There were around 260 teams when the tournament started, and we were one of only 32 schools left in the entire state when we finished.”

  • Trustees commit to college village

    Yellow Springers voiced excitement last year over the idea of creating a village community on the Antioch College campus.

  • Stories with spirit from the village

    Anywhere there are humans, there are bound to be ghosts, and Yellow Springs is no exception. Readers would be advised not to visit certain parts of John Bryan State Park or a number of buildings on Antioch’s campus, for example, if sensitive to their presence.

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