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  • Name change

    Zachary Alexander Sullivan

  • Commission openings

    Council for the Village of Yellow Springs Seeks Interested Persons to Serve

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education

    Thursday, April 14, 2016, 7 p.m.

  • Mindful environs

    The VIDA commission recognized the Dharma Center, located on the corner of Davis and Livermore streets, because the building and surrounding gardens “create a subtle yet compelling visual effect and atmosphere. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Yellow Springs Dharma Center is the spring 2016 recipient of VIDA, or the Village Inspiration and Design Award, which is awarded quarterly by the Yellow Springs Art and Culture Commission.

  • Filling in the frame

    the vanguard of an army that will soon fill in the empty branches, seeming to shrink our streets and alleys back down to summer size

    They’re the vanguard of an army that will soon fill in the empty branches, seeming to shrink our streets and alleys back down to summer size.

  • Summary of ordinances

    ORDINANCES 2016-03 through 2016-07

  • Planning Commission meeting agenda

    Mon., Apr. 11, 2016, 7:00 p.m.

  • Antioch Eco-Village— ‘Pioneers’ share vision, plans

    The Antioch Eco-Village Pioneers, a local cohousing group, claims 14 core members who are working to create a cohousing community (private homes with shared amenities) on the Antioch campus as part of the college’s intergenerational housing concept. Here, pictured on one proposed site, at the corner of N. College and Livermore streets, are four members of the group: Don Hollister, Pat Brown, Jane Baker and Sylvia Carter Denny. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    the Eco-Village Pioneers are organizing an event on Sunday, May 1, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Senior Center for all villagers curious about cohousing and interested in learning about Yellow Springs’ cohousing group.

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Hammonds’ Mills Park hotel is almost open

    The Hammond family—Katie, Libby and Jim—stand in the lobby of the Mills Park Hotel, a project that Jim Hammond started developing in 2012. The hotel will feature a restaurant, banquet hall and gift shop, and is poised to open sometime in late April. Forty people have already been hired to staff the 28-room hotel. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    If all goes well, a tentative opening date for the new Mills Park Hotel could be sometime in late April, according to owner and builder Jim Hammond.

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