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  • School threat rumor unsubstantiated

    A rumor about a threat to McKinney Middle/Yellow Springs High School was determined last week to be unsubstantiated, according to school officials.

  • BLOG-Encore une fois

    The perfect time to go to Paris is Spring.

  • BLOG – MTFR has a futuristic new stretcher

    Fortunately for the backs of the MTFR crew, the department recently got a new cot that will take some of the strain of lifting stretchers for them. Their new cot is a brand new power cot, a cot with a hydraulic lift system capable of hoisting 700 pounds.

  • ‘Pressing’ news — Crazy Joe releases new 45 on Record Store Day

    Crazy Joe in his element at Atomic Festival at Sywell Aerodrome Northamptonshire last year. (Photo by Mark Gilbert)

    Tomorrow, on Record Store Day, Crazy Joe will debut a new, previously unreleased track, “Enon Beach,” at at reunion show with the Mad River Outlaws. Read on for an interview with Crazy Joe about the new track, which was pressed into a seven-inch vinyl record.

  • Into the fold

    About a dozen villagers learned to make origami cranes, frogs and more last Saturday night at the Yellow Springs Arts Council, among them, from left, Fern Opotow, Areya Harker and Lara Bauer. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    About a dozen villagers learned to make origami cranes, frogs and more last Saturday night at the Yellow Springs Arts Council.

  • April 14, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    The 2016 Yellow Springs Bulldogs softball team. Front row, from left to right: Amelia Gray, Victoria Willis, Cierra Richeson, Elly Kumbusky, Janine Stover, Alena Musah. Middle row: Hannah Morrison, Allison Bothwell, Gracie Price, Raven James, Lauryn DeWine, Jorie Sieck. Back row: Kelsie Lemons, Brielle Willis, Kadie Lafferty, Danny Horton, Nekyla Hawkins, Alesha Harney, Kallyn Buckenmyer, Erin Mooneyham. (Submitted Photo)

    April 14, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • Green Generation builders to finish Thistle Creek

    Green Generation design-build team Alex Melamed, left, and Andrew Kline are developing the six remaining lots at Thistle Creek on King Street. They’re offering two home designs that emphasize low-maintenance living and energy efficiency. The young builders intend to finish the development, begun in 2005 by local builder Jonathan Brown. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Eleven years after local builder Jonathan Brown began developing 4.2 acres at Thistle Creek, two young builders are poised to finish off the King Street development.

  • Village Council— Electric rate hike to start July 1

    Starting July 1, villagers are likely to see an increase in their electric bills, following Village Council’s unanimous vote at its April 4 meeting to amend the Village electric rate structure.

  • Heart rhythm meditation workshop— Healing hearts to heal the world

    Tom Malcolm and Denise Runyon teach Heart Rhythm Meditation each Tuesday evening at the Friends of the Heart Center at 794 Dayton St. They are sponsoring a workshop April 16 and 17 that features Susanna Bair, the co-creator of Heart Rhythm Meditation and co-founder of the Institute of Applied Meditation, who will explain the technique in a daylong workshop and work with individuals in a half-day heart danshan. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Denise Runyon and Tom Malcom know something about hearts, as they run the Friends of the Heart Center out of their Dayton Street home.

  • Coward’s Fresh, fun ‘Blithe Spirit’ on stage

    The ghost of socialite Elvira Condomine (played by Ellen Ballerene) calmed the troubled brow of her remarried husband, Charles (portrayed by Robert Campbell), in The Yellow Springs Theater Company’s new production of Noel Coward’s comedy “Blithe Spirit.” Performances begin this weekend, April 8–10, and conclude April 15–17 at First Presbyterian Church. Curtain times are 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    After two years of presenting a diverse array of plays to area audiences, the members of Yellow Springs Theater Company felt the time had come to add a strong comedy to the mix.

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