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  • Final phases of Village streetscape project underway

    Workers began the final phases of the downtown streetscape project on Tuesday, April 12, digging up the section of sidewalk in front of Tom’s Market on the west side of Xenia Avenue.

  • Kids invited to ‘Drum, Dance and Draw’ this weekend

    The Young People of Color Yellow Springs will host "Drum, Dance and Draw: A Celebration of Black Culture" this Saturday at Mills Lawn. (Photo from

    Villagers are invited to come out for “Drum, Dance and Draw: A Celebration of Black Culture” on Saturday, April 16, 2–5 p.m. in the Mills Lawn Gym. The event will feature West African drumming, dance instruction and cartooning for grades K–6.

  • Power of the Pen, high school edition

    Thirteen YSHS students took part in a special high school edition of Power of the Pen this past Saturday. The local writing competition was organized by seniors Ursula Kremer and Henry Potts-Rubin for their senior project.

  • Get ready for spring clean-up week

    The annual village spring clean-up week, during which large or hazardous items may be disposed of, will be held Monday–Friday, May 9–13.

  • BLOG-Into the Fold

    The Yellow Springs Library Association hosts fine traditions in the art of hospitality.

  • Community Solutions and YS Resilience Network Host Renewable Energy Month

    Community Solutions and the Yellow Springs Resilience Network will continue their monthly series of speakers and events in April with programming exploring the ways in which renewable energy technology can be implemented in the community and the home.

  • Fold paper cranes for peace at Arts Alive! event

    The community is invited to learn how to fold origami cranes at the April Arts Alive! event at the YSAC Community Gallery this weekend.

    The YS Arts Council will host its monthly Arts Alive! event this Saturday, where origami artist will teach participants to fold paper cranes. The event is part of a larger village effort to fold 1,000 paper cranes as a symbol of peace.

  • April 7, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    April 7, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • Jean Putnam memorial

    A memorial service for Jean Putnam will be held Saturday, April 16, at 4 p.m. at Rockford Chapel.

  • Sutton Farm land— Village moves closer to sale

    At their March 21 meeting Village Council moved a step closer to selling 76 acres of Village-owned land to Glen Helen.

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