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  • Village Council Regular Meeting

    Monday, May 16, 7 p.m.

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Youth recreational baseball to begin soon

    The YS Youth Baseball, Inc. annual meeting will be held on May 16, in preparation for this summer's season. YS Youth Baseball is a recreational league for boys and girls ages 7–11, and is currently accepting registration. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    The annual meeting of Yellow Springs Youth Baseball, Inc. will be held Monday, May 16, 6:30 p.m., in the Virginia Hamilton meeting room at the library. Registration is now open for the 2016 recreational baseball Minor and Major Leagues.

  • BLOG— The stakes of staying open

    Sometimes when a story touches on the very spots I most wish to avoid, something else occurs. Rather than fuzzing my reception, the story’s nearness to my own experience seems to open a channel for really hearing.

  • Cosplay parade demonstrates character

    Folks of all ages gathered on Sunday, May 8, to march downtown in a cosplay parade.

    Wrapping up the 2016 “Ohayo Ohio” Japanese arts and culture symposium, a cosplay parade was held in downtown Yellow Springs on Sunday, May 8. Click for more photos and video of the event.

  • BLOG-The New Pepperoni

    Beets as pizza topping? My son says “Sure!” As my children gain familiarity with cooking, they embrace a variety of foods.

  • Yarn Registry BLOG – Rumor has it Lee Harvey Oswald was in Yellow Springs

    According to some theorists, at one point Yellow Springs was said to host none other than Lee Harvey Oswald, the man behind the Kennedy assassination. Was he really here? Why? How? Was it all just part of a larger CIA-led plot?

  • Clean-up week is almost here!

    The Village’s annual Spring Clean-up Week begins on Monday, May 9, and runs through Friday, the 13th.

  • Free Comic Book Day to return this weekend

    Free Comic Book Day is this Saturday, May 7. (Picture by Art Baltazar, courtesy of

    Free Comic Book Day, an annual international celebration of the art of comics, will be celebrated this weekend in Yellow Springs at Dark Star Books and Comics and Super-Fly Comics and Games.

  • Activist presses for justice for John Crawford

    Villager Bomani Moyenda is leading a group of people, including several from Yellow Springs, seeking justice for the family of John Crawford III, who was shot by police in the Beavercreek Walmart in 2014. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    About 40 people gathered to hear local activist Bomani Moyenda and the Reverend Jerome McCorry, of Dayton, respond to the latest developments in the 2014 Beavercreek Walmart shooting case.

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