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"Yellow Springs Men Stand Up for Women" to be held downtown on Wednesday, Oct. 26, 6–6:30 p.m.

"Yellow Springs Men Stand Up for Women" to be held downtown on Wednesday, Oct. 26, 6–6:30 p.m.

Local men to ‘Stand Up for Women’

On Wednesday, Oct. 26, Yellow Springs men will meet on the downtown sidewalks from 6 to 6:30 p.m. to show support for women.

On the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton, First Lady Michelle Obama gave an impassioned speech in New Hampshire, in which she proclaimed that “we simply cannot endure [misogyny], or expose our children to [it] any longer — not for another minute, and let alone for four years. Now is the time for all of us to stand up and say enough is enough. This has got to stop right now.” Her speech has inspired women and men across the nation to speak out against the harassment, intimidation and violence that women often face in their daily lives.

This response has galvanized local men to organize “Yellow Springs Men Stand Up For Women,” in which men will line the streets to show their support of women and their rejection of misogyny. An announcement submitted to the News about the demonstration stated: “People of every gender, race, creed, color, nationality or political persuasion are encouraged to participate in the event. Organizers want to remind fellow Americans that words and actions that degrade women are unacceptable in our locker rooms, our communities, our state and our country.”

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2 Responses to “Local men to ‘Stand Up for Women’”

  1. Robert A. Barcus says:

    Perhaps laughable for one individual but I heard many many statements of thanks for giving men the opportunity to speak up with other men and say NO…such behavior is not acceptable to us. Many women expressed their gratitude to men for standing up to repudiate the predatory behavior of those desperate men who disrespect the human rights of others. If anything about this is laughable,it is the sad truth that those who abuse others, like all bullies, think it makes them tough when it only makes them pathetic.

  2. Marc Rose says:

    Laughable!!! What a waste of time.

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