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Articles About James A. McKee Group

  • New county jail focus of meeting

    Greene County Sheriff Gene Fischer and Maj. Kirk Keller raised concerns about the deterioration of the county jail at the James A. McKee Group meeting, held at Antioch University Midwest recently. From left: Jonathan Platt, Yellow Springs Mayor Pam Conine, Sheriff Fischer, Maj. Keller. (Photo by Morgan Beard)

    Overcrowding, crumbling infrastructure and infestations of birds and rodents were among the concerns raised by Greene County Sheriff Gene Fischer during a June 27 meeting hosted by the James A. McKee Group in Yellow Springs to discuss plans to build a new Greene County Jail. 

  • School board candidates — Hopefuls differ on facilities, PBL

    Last Wednesday and Thursday, more than 100 people per night attended the annual Candidates Night forums, presented by the James A. McKee Association, to spotlight candidates for local office. Shown above is the Thursday night audience for candidates for Miami Township Trustee, from left on stage, Mark Crockett, Don Hollister and Lamar Sparcklen. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Last week, local candidates for school board presented their qualifications and answered questions at the annual Candidates Night Forum sponsored by the James A. McKee Association. On Wednesday, Oct. 18, candidates Steve Conn, Dawn Johnson, Steve McQueen and Aïda Merhemic presented their qualifications and answered audience questions. The four candidates are seeking the three open seats on the board.

  • Local men and women Stand Up!

    A group of about 250 demonstrators gathered on Xenia Avenue last week to “repudiate the bigotry and disgraceful behavior” exemplified by Trump’s comments on the “Access Hollywood” video. Among them were, from left, Will Gregor, Teresa Dunphy, Tommaso Gregor, Beth Holyoke and Andy Holyoke. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Last Wednesday, Xenia Avenue was lined, as it sometimes is, with people holding signs with bold political slogans and rallying for social justice for women.

  • Local men to ‘Stand Up for Women’

    "Yellow Springs Men Stand Up for Women" to be held downtown on Wednesday, Oct. 26, 6–6:30 p.m.

    On Wednesday, Oct. 26, Yellow Springs men will meet on the downtown sidewalks from 6 to 6:30 p.m. to show support for women.

  • 2012 Cost of Living update—The village by the numbers

    The 2012 Yellow Springs Cost of Living Report was completed this spring by Wright State University’s Center for Urban and Public Affairs (CUPA) and paid for by the James A. McKee Association.

  • McKee group hosts housing talk

    About 50 villagers attended last Sunday’s forum on affordable housing, sponsored by the James A. McKee Association and featuring a presentation by local land trust organization Home, Inc. Shown above are, from left in front, Nancy Noonan, Kent Bristol, Al Schlueter and Dave Turner; in back, Brian Upchurch and McKee group president Rick Kristensen. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Many questions were raised at a public meeting last Sunday sponsored by the James A. McKee Association, when representatives from Home, Inc. shared plans for an affordable housing project slated for Village-owned land on Cemetery Street.

  • James A. McKee Group to host affordable housing forum

    The James A. McKee Group will host “A Community Conversation about Affordable Housing” on Sunday, March 27, from 2-4 p.m. at the Yellow Springs Senior Center Great Room (227 Xenia Avenue).

  • James A. McKee Group to host affordable housing forum

    The James A. McKee Group will host “A Community Conversation about Affordable Housing” on Sunday, March 27, from 2-4 p.m. at the Yellow Springs Senior Center Great Room (227 Xenia Avenue).

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