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  • BLOG — My hero

    A holiday greeting from the Organa-Solo clan, received this week after news of the death of Carrie Fisher.

    After the passing of the actor Carrie Fisher, I’ve been feeling guilty about a blog I wrote last year.

  • Friends Music Camp presents holiday concert

    The annual holiday concert of staff and campers of Friends Music Camp will take place Friday, Dec. 30, at 7:30 p.m. at the Foundry Theater on the Antioch campus. Staff members and professional musicians Wendy Champney Enderle and Martha Hyde will perform, along with cellist Chiara Enderle, violinist Mathias Enderle and former campers Sam Salazar and Rory Papania, among others. The event raises money for camper scholarships. Shown above, Papania performed at the group’s 2016 summer benefit, which also took place in Yellow Springs. (News archive photo by Matt Minde)

    Friends Music Camp staffers and campers present their annual holiday concert on Friday, Dec. 30, at 7:30 p.m. at the Foundry Theatre on the Antioch College campus.

  • William ‘Bill’ Howe Warren

    William ‘Bill’ Howe Warren

    William “Bill” Howe Warren, 92, a resident of Yellow Springs from 1952 until 1978, died on Dec. 8, 2016, in Concord, Mass., surrounded by his loving family.

  • Kindness lights village in 2016

    The news of the world may be bleak, the sky may be dark, but in Yellow Springs, the light of kindness abounds.

  • Douglas A. Wilson

    Douglas A. Wilson

    Douglas A. Wilson, 75, of Centerville, passed away on Monday, December 19, 2016.

  • Celebrate Kwanzaa, Hanukkah this week

    Villagers will gather to celebrate Kwanzaa on Dec. 29 and Hanukkah on Dec. 30. Both celebrations are open to all interested in attending.

  • Edward John Benton Jr.

    Edward John Benton Jr.

    Edward John Benton Jr. left his earthly life on Monday, Dec. 19, 2016, at the Villa Road Nursing Home in Springfield.

  • Cello Springs Festival 2017

    Cello Springs Festival is coming to the village, Jan. 4–14, with five scheduled public concerts, all free.

  • Friends Music Camp fundraiser— A holiday blast of musical talent

    The annual holiday concert of staff and campers of Friends Music Camp will take place Friday, Dec. 30, at 7:30 p.m. at the Foundry Theater on the Antioch campus. Staff members and professional musicians Wendy Champney Enderle and Martha Hyde will perform, along with cellist Chiara Enderle, violinist Mathias Enderle and former campers Sam Salazar and Rory Papania, among others. The event raises money for camper scholarships. Shown above, Papania performed at the group’s 2016 summer benefit, which also took place in Yellow Springs. (News archive photo by Matt Minde)

    As the year comes to a close, an event that has become a tradition of the winter holiday season in Yellow Springs looks ahead as well to the warmth of summer and the tradition of summer camp, specifically Friends Music Camp, or FMC.

  • BLOG-Pass It On

    It only takes a spark.

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