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  • Phyllis Lawson Jackson: Deep roots, and a historian’s eye

    Phyllis Lawson Jackson is the fifth generation of the Lawson family to live in Yellow Springs. Jackson, known as a local historian, is shown beside her grandmother’s lamp and table in her Stafford Street home. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    You’d be hard pressed to find someone with deeper Yellow Springs roots than Phylllis Lawson Jackson, the fifth generation of the Lawson family to live in the village.

  • YSHS bowlers mingle with big time

    The YSHS bowling team was one of 52 teams crammed into Beaver-Vu lanes last week as part of tournament hosted by Wright State University’s bowling program. So packed was the tournament that spectators brought stepping stools and homemade periscopes. Coach Matt Cole said that organizers were very happy to introduce a first-year team into the fold. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    When pulling up to a bowling alley, one does not normally expect to have to park at an ancillary lot a few buildings away or navigate the sardine-tight crowd inside the bowling alley.

  • Third sergeant to be hired by Yellow Springs Police

    The Yellow Springs Police Department will be adding a new sergeant to its ranks, drawn from the officers currently on the force.

  • Antioch College cuts costs, jobs

    For the first time since reopening to students in 2011, Antioch College is reducing its budget, a move college leaders say is necessary to bring expenses in line with revenues that have grown more slowly than expected.

  • Submit entries to ‘Blacks in YS Encyclopedia’

    The 365 Project announces a call for submissions for a “Blacks in Yellow Springs Encyclopedia.”

  • Annual Kwanzaa celebration slated

    The annual YS Kwanzaa celebration will be held on Dec. 29. Pictured is the 2014 celebration's display during the Griot Award presentation. (Photo by Basim Blunt)

    The annual YS Kwanzaa celebration will be held Thursday, Dec. 29, 6–9 p.m., at the Bryan Center.

  • BLOG-Favorite Things

    We celebrate winter’s sparkling string of holidays.

  • Yarn Registry BLOG: A Landfill is an Ecosystem Unto Itself, part VI

    These changes will happen at evolution’s grindingly slow pace, but by the time these creatures have gotten used to life in vast ecosystems of garbage, a future researcher will marvel at how readily and how ingeniously these creatures have adapted — and continue to adapt — to their befouled environs.

  • YSHS students launch Spirit Wear business

    A YSHS math class has launched a small apparel business, YS Spirit Wear.

  • Fresh snow, fresh bridge

    The new bridge in Glen Helen spans the old dam area. (Photos by Aaron Zaremsky)

    This week’s snow emphasized the stark angles and clean lines of the new bridge in Glen Helen, spanning the old dam area.

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