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  • Activists react to pipeline news

    Last Friday, the Army Corps of Engineers made a decision to halt the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which gave hope to0 the people demonstrating against the pipeline’s construction. While good news, anti-DAPL activists aren’t celebrating quite yet.

  • Board Of Education

    Request for QuotesYellow Springs Schools Lawn Mowing

  • Fighting cancer, but not alone

    Kelley Fox was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a rare form of cancer, in August. The Yellow Springs native retired from the Village in 2014 after 30 years of service, most recently as superintendent of electric and water distribution. He also served as an MTFR firefighter for 17 years. Here, he’s pictured with his wife, Christina, outside Tom’s Market, one of Kelley’s favorite local people-watching spots. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    The outpouring of support for Kelly Fox and his family has been extraordinary, the Foxes said. People have offered to cook meals, take the family’s trash cans to the curb and pitch in to keep the family business, Fox Trot Services, up and running.

  • Edwin (Ted) Chase Weatherup

    Edwin "Ted" Chase Weatherup

    Edwin (Ted) Chase Weatherup passed away peacefully on Nov. 21, 2016.

  • Yellow Springs Schools are on two hour delay Thursday, Dec. 15

    Yellow Springs Schools are on two hour delay Wednesday, February 10.

  • Community carol sing to return for 60th year

    The Community carol sing will be held Sunday, Dec. 18, 3 p.m., in the Mills Park Hotel lobby. (Art from the Dec. 20, 1956 issue of the YS News)

    After a few years of dormancy, the village’s community carol sing will be held at 3 p.m. on Dec. 18, in the lobby of the Mills Park Hotel. This year marks the event’s 60th anniversary.

  • Dec. 13 Athletic Events, MLS concert canceled

    Yellow Springs Schools have sent out an advisory that “all athletics games & practices are cancelled for today.

  • ‘Super’ projects on display at Mills Lawn Exhibition Night

    MLS held Exhibition Night on Dec. 7.

    Mills Lawn held its first Exhibition Night of the school year on Wednesday, Dec. 7, and MLS Kindergarten students presented their first ever PBL projects — in heroic fashion.

  • BLOG-Festival and Forest

    My husband woke me up to the news that we had a blanket of white snow on the ground. “Here is the plan.” he told me. This morning we get our tree.

  • Antioch College enacts budget measures

    Antioch College President Tom Manley announced a series of cost-cutting measures on Friday, including pay cuts for executive and senior staff and a reduction in the total workforce, largely through attrition and reorganization.

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