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  • Who’s who at the Yellow Springs PD

    This installment in the “People and Police” series presents a more personal look at the officers who serve in the Yellow Springs Police Department.

  • Antioch School kids tell Bill Mullins’ story

    The Antioch School’s Older Group was recently immersed in storytelling and theater, thanks to special guest Christopher Westhoff, of the Mad River Theater Works performing arts company, who spent a portion of each day last week at the school. Westhoff helped students develop their own play about the life and influence of retired Older Group teacher Bill Mullins, which they performed last Friday. Pictured, from left, are Max Florkey, Merida Kuder-Wexler, Ayla Current, Lucy Dennis, Jackson Grote and Antonio Chaiten. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    A recent theatrical storytelling residency at the Antioch School became an opportunity to learn and share a story from their own community history via the medium of live theater.

  • Conference digs into new research on soil health

    Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions is hosting a symposium Friday and Saturday, Feb. 24–25, that is devoted to the topic of soil.

  • Council considers creating an affordability goal

    During a discussion of Council’s 2017 goals at its Feb. 6 meeting, Council members considered creating a new goal to address the issue of affordability in the village.

  • Seventh big win for News

    For the seventh year in a row, the Yellow Springs News won the top prize among weekly newspapers of its size at the Ohio Newspaper Association’s annual convention. The paper also came home with 14 individual awards, in categories ranging from editorials to advertising design. Pictured here is the award-winning team of (back row, from left) Matt Minde, Diane Chiddister, Audrey Hackett, Kathryn Hitchcock and Dylan Taylor-Lehman, as well as (front row, from left) Robert Hasek, Suzanne Szempruch and Lauren “Chuck” Shows. (Photo by Matt Minde, Suzanne Szempruch and the timer)

    For the seventh year in a row, the Yellow Springs News came home with the top prize in the weekly newspaper contest at the Ohio Newspaper Association’s annual convention.

  • New Year’s Eve investigation still incomplete

    Several villagers expressed frustration at a special Council meeting when Dayton attorney David Williamson, who is conducting the investigation, reported that the report is not yet complete.

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • BLOG — Postable

    Facebook Lauren. Couch Lauren.

    Every perfect moment we share publicly online is, naturally, preceded and followed by other moments — the kinds we don’t want to share.

  • BLOG— An older, deeper story

    Elect a sycamore-queen! Sycamore in the South Glen, February 2017. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Sycamore thoughts are exquisite, beginning in the mud and branching into higher math. And sycamore hearts beat with reverential slowness in their capacious woody chests, one beat per human lifetime.

  • BLOG-Basket of Bits

    Booming rockets, whirring motors, and whizzing overhead drones…this week I’ve been exploring the cool technology exploding in our schools and into our lives.

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