  • A gift to ensure college diversity

    Longtime Yellow Springs residents Donna and Al Denman, a retired Antioch professor, recently started a scholarship at the college that will fund tuition and room and board for three students for the duration of their time at Antioch. The Denmans’ gift is the first in the college’s New Generations Scholarship Program. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Starting in the fall of 2017, three incoming students at Antioch College will have all four years of their college experience paid for, thanks to the largesse of a Yellow Springs couple.

  • Ronald E. Siemer

    Ronald E. Siemer

    Ronald E. Siemer was born on April 24, 1934, and died on Feb. 24, 2017.

  • Andre James Miner

    Andre James Miner

    Andre James Miner, 24, of Dayton, Ohio, formerly of Yellow Springs, Ohio, on Feb. 18, 2017, spread his wings to embrace the Lord.

  • March 2, 2017 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Yellow Springs boys basketball coach Bob Carpenter spoke about the team’s hard work and dedication at the Winter Sports Award Night on Monday. The gym was packed with parents and siblings, who cheered on the various McKinney and Yellow Springs athletes recognized for their achievements this season. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The winter sports season, like every sports season, can officially come to a close following the banquet thrown to honor its athletes.

  • Fine poems for a ‘towering’ figure

    About a dozen area poets affiliated with the Tower Poets group led by Conrad Balliet, pictured above, will read from their new anthology, “From the Tower,” at the Emporium this Saturday, Feb. 25, from 3 to 5 p.m. (Submitted photo by Bill Lackey, Springfield News-Sun)

    About a dozen Tower Poets will gather at the Emporium on Saturday, Feb. 25, from 3 to 5 p.m., to read from their new anthology, “From the Tower: Poems in Honor of Conrad Balliet.”

  • Dorothy Mae Williams

    John F. Alexander passed away peacefully Sunday, Feb. 26, 2017.

  • Discuss “CBE” property in breakout session

    A community conversation regarding the property formerly known as the “CBE” will be held Thursday, March 2.

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