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  • Greene Canteen’s clean, green cuisine

    In addition to her other businesses, Brittany Baum has been busy supervising the construction crews at work on her new bistro, the Greene Canteen, at 134 Dayton St. The colorful exterior was designed by Slagle Design in Columbus, with painting done by the Mural Machine of Dayton. (Photo by Gary McBride)

    Yellow Springers can look forward to the healthy fare of very veggie-oriented salads, smoothies, juices, sandwiches, soups and more when Brittany Baum opens the Greene Canteen in early 2019. 

  • Holiday Art Jumble returns

    The annual Holiday Art Jumble opens this Saturday at the Arts Council Community Gallery, 111 Corry St. The event features a wide variety of art, crafts, gifts and seasonal items at affordable prices. The Jumble runs through December 30. (submitted photo by Corrine Bayraktaroglu)

    The Yellow Springs Arts Council is once again hosting their annual event which features handmade fine art, crafts, seasonal items and plenty of surprises. It’s official — the Art Jumble is here, so let the holiday season begin! 

  • Mary Donahoe

    Mary Donahoe

    Mary was born in Hot Springs, Ark., on May 14, 1941, the only child of a New Orleans doctor, 54 when she was born.

  • Six villagers vie for vacated Council seat

    Six villagers have thrown their hats into the ring in the hopes of being chosen next week by Village Council to fill the seat left open by the resignation of Judith Hempfling. The person chosen will serve on Council for a year; their seat will be up for re-election in November 2019.

  • Sidewalk slur evinces racism

    A newly poured concrete curb along West South College and Wright streets was defaced with a racial slur on Oct. 30 (left), and was smoothed over before it set completely (right) by a worker. (Photos Submitted by Kevin McGruder)

    Last month, a newly poured block of concrete was defaced with a racial slur at the corner of Wright Street and West South College Street.

  • Planning Commission — Varying views on senior apartments

    An architect's rendering of the proposed senior housing. (Courtesy of Home, Inc.)

    Last Monday’s Village Planning Commission meeting was standing room only as villagers aired their thoughts on Home, Inc.’s proposed 54-unit affordable senior apartment building between East Herman and East Marshall streets. 

  • Election 2018 — Dems revived despite losses

    On their face, the results of the Nov. 6 midterm elections in both Greene County and the state maintained the Republican-dominant status quo. But a deeper look shows that change is occurring.

  • Gallery from YSHS/McKinney Exhibition Night, Nov. 19

    During their annual fall Exhibition Night on Monday, Nov. 19, students from Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School demonstrated the project-based learning, or PBL, units undertaken so far this year. See more photos after the jump.

  • Sanford selected for Council

    Kineta Sanford has been appointed to fill the vacant seat on Village Council. Council approved the 26-year-old villager in a 5-0 vote at its Nov. 19 meeting. Sanford fills the seat vacated by Judith Hempfling, who announced her resignation in September citing personal reasons. Sanford will serve through 2019, when Hempfling’s term was set to expire.

  • #YSGivingTuesday to return

    The Yellow Springs Community Foundation and the YS Giving Tuesday Committee are spearheading the third annual #YSGivingTuesday event. Held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving that kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving.

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