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  • YS Strings to present eclectic concert

    The Yellow Springs Strings, a group of musicians from the village and surrounding communities, will perform a program of several pieces by a variety of composers on Tuesday, Dec. 11.

  • Dementia caregiver support group offered

    As part of an effort to support the growing number of local families with a family member experiencing dementia, the Dementia Friendly Yellow Springs Project, in collaboration with the United Methodist Church, will host a caregiver support group meetings on Tuesday, Dec. 4.

  • Claudettes to jazz up Emporium

    The Claudettes

    The Chicago four-piece band the Claudettes are returning once again to play at The Emporium this Friday, and they couldn’t be happier. ‘It’s a great group of people there. Always a lot of musicians there, always such a fun time,” says Johnny Iguana, pianist and songwriter for the band.

  • Cords and chords

    During a busy and beautiful holiday weekend in Yellow Springs, a street busker entertained holiday shoppers while villagers went about their regular business. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A street busker entertained holiday shoppers while villagers went about their regular business. 

  • Pauline Peters

    Pauline Peters with husband Andy ca. 1946

    Pauline Peters, of Yellow Springs, died Friday, Nov. 16, 2018, at Friends Care Assisted Living Center. She was 92 years old.

  • Pauline (McKnight) Bittner Pitstick

    Pauline (McKnight) Bittner Pitstick

    On Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2018, Pauline (McKnight) Bittner Pitstick passed away at home.

  • Yellow Springs Schools seeks deeper diversity

    Achieving greater racial diversity among employees of Yellow Springs Schools — teachers, administrators and staff — has been a longtime goal of the local district. 

  • World House Choir seeks new voices

    The World House Choir, pictured at its Sept. 8 performance of "Bayard Rustin: The Man Behind the Dream," will welcome new singers on Dec. 3. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The World House Choir will welcome new singers on Monday, Dec. 3.

  • Local plays selected for state conference

    This fall’s YSHS/McKinney Bulldog Theater Festival productions of “Romeo and Juliet” and “Girls Like That” are headed to Ohio Thespian Association state conference in March.

  • Circle of life, twice in one day

    Mills Lawn Elementary School performed its all-school musical on Thursday, Nov. 15. More than 200 first- through sixth-grade students brought “The Lion King KIDS” to life. Pictured above, the lion Mufasa, top, played by sixth-grader Conor Anderson, speaks from the afterlife to his son, Simba, played by sixth-grader James White. (Photo by Matthew Collins)

    This year’s tri-annual all-school musical — with more than 200 Mills Lawn School students participating —  was an adaptation of the popular Disney movie and later Tony-award winning musical “The Lion King.”

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