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Laura Curliss wins third Council seat

Laura Curliss (Photo by Megan Bachman)

Laura Curliss is the third winner in the Nov. 5 election for three open Village Council seats, according to the Greene County Board of Elections’ final official results, which were certified on Tuesday, Nov. 19.

Curliss joins incumbents Lisa Kreeger and Marianne MacQueen and will take her seat in January 2020. Kreeger and MacQueen were re-elected with 875 and 820 votes, respectively.

Curliss won the third seat with 651 votes, 20 more than the next contender, write-in candidate Dino Pallotta, who ended with 631 votes. Candidate Jim Johnson finished with 584 votes.

The final winner was only certified this week, as the board of elections had to manually count each write-in vote, according to board director Llyn McCoy.

As the two with the most votes, Kreeger  and MacQueen will both serve four-year terms. Curliss will serve a two-year term.

Curliss, 57, is a local attorney who served as Village manager from 2011–2013. She ran on a platform of affordability and running the municipal government more efficiently.

Overall, voter turnout in Yellow Springs was 43%, far higher than the countywide turnout of 23%.

Precinct breakdowns for the Village Council race are as follows:

Precinct 440 (north side of town): Kreeger, 256; MacQueen, 252; Johnson, 194; Curliss, 192; Pallotta, 175.
Precinct 441 (western side): MacQueen, 171; Kreeger, 166; Curliss, 128;  Pallotta, 125; Johnson, 118.
Precinct 442 (town center): Kreeger, 200; MacQueen, 174; Curliss, 133; Pallotta, 125; Johnson, 124.
Precinct 443 (south side): Kreeger, 253; MacQueen, 223; Pallotta, 206; Curliss, 198;  Johnson, 148.

Yellow Springs voters narrowly rejected a measure to make several amendments to the Village Charter, with 722 voting no (52.4%) and 657 voting yes (47.6%), a difference of 65 votes.

Precinct breakdowns for the measure,  which sought to expand voting to 16- and 17-year olds and noncitizens and extend the mayor’s term are below:

Precinct 440 (north side of town): Yes, 212; No, 206.
Precinct 441 (western side): No, 152; Yes, 127.
Precinct 442 (town center): Yes, 164; No, 137.
Precinct 443 (south side): No, 227; Yes, 154.


One Response to “Laura Curliss wins third Council seat”

  1. John Roda says:


    We were friends at ND. You were/are a total class act.

    If you get a chance, give me a call. I’m in ND Alumni Directory. Would love to catch up.


    JR ’82; ’85

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