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  • Kenneth W. Kennedy

    It is with deep sadness and regret that the family of Kenneth W. Kennedy, age 92, announce Ken’s death on Thursday, July 30, 2020.

  • News from the Past

    Contributing writer Don Hollister compiles some of the more compelling headlines that occurred in past Julys and Augusts in last week’s “News from the Past” column.

  • Council decriminalizes marijuana in Yellow Springs

    In a 4–0 vote, Council passed the first reading of an ordinance reducing the offense level and penalties for those caught possessing or cultivating less than 200 grams of marijuana, which is about seven ounces.

  • Local restaurants are rebounding, for now

    Six months into the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, business at local restaurants is surprisingly good.

  • Glen Helen now owned by Glen Helen Association; to reopen Sept. 9

    Rebecca Jaramilla, director of the Raptor Center at Glen Helen Nature Preserve, handled Velocity, a female peregrine falcon, during a raptor photography program at the center on Sunday, Feb. 24. (Photo by Luciana Lieff)

    The Glen Helen Association, or GHA, is the new owner of Glen Helen, the 1,000-acre nature preserve in Yellow Springs. Trails, parking and the Raptor Center will reopen on Wednesday, Sept. 9, with partial hours and new safety measures.

  • New science teacher hired

    McKinney Middle School’s new science teacher, Cameron Dickens, has brought an atypical educational background to an atypical school year when classes since began online Thursday, Aug. 27.

  • First Lines — Perfect as they are

    A newly eclosed monarch butterfly hung near its now-transparent burst chrysalis, gathering its strength to fly. Other chrysalids waited for the magic event to seize them. This particular monarch was the first one raised this season on the author’s North High Street porch. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    We have bugs on our porch. Lots of them. Not just the usual ants and spiders — but monarch butterflies, in all stages of their lives.

  • Village Council Regular Meeting • Sept. 8

    Village Council Regular Meeting • Sept. 8

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education • Special Virtual Meeting

    Yellow Springs Board of Education • Special Virtual Meeting

  • Public Meetings


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