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  • The Briar Patch— A dilemma with good reason

    The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated an already catastrophic healthcare crisis in Black communities across the United States. The conversation around vaccinations must extend beyond forced mandates or anti-vaxxer tropes.

  • YS School Board Facilities Master Planning Community Forums

    Facilities Master Planning Community Forums

  • YS Speech & Debate— Students find their voice

    Whether sharing their own thoughts, presenting the words of another or arguing both sides of an issue, members of the Yellow Springs Speech & Debate team say they are finding power in their personal voices.

  • Flying saucer

    Nora Bongorno, front, Andorra Roberts and Hannah Parker sped down Gaunt Park hill as nature provided excellent sledding conditions on a not-too-cold Tuesday afternoon.

  • New small business incubator— Coactive YS offer room to grow

    The newly opened Coactive Yellow Springs, a collaborative working space, is the first small business incubator of its kind in the village.

  • A win for quarry opponents

    “No Quarry” yard signs created by local citizens’ group, Citizens Against Mining, peppered yards along South Tecumseh Road near Greenon High School on a recent weekend. In July, the state of Ohio approved expanded limestone mining operations in Mad River Township, just north of Yellow Springs, intensifying oppposition from area residents. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    In December 2020, Citizens Against Mining celebrated another win — a private lawsuit settled in favor of five neighbors of the mine who successfully argued that Enon Sand and Gravel’s mining could damage their property values and private wells.

  • Wrecking Racism— Youth voices needed now

    The purpose of the column will be to provide an avenue for youth of the village to express their ideas, observations, experiences and thoughts about racism, race relations and related topics both locally and nationally.

  • February 11, 2021 — Bulldog Sports Round-Up

    February 11, 2021 — Bulldog Sports Round-Up

  • January Curry

    January Denise Curry, age 39, of Dayton, passed away Thursday, Feb. 4, 2021, at her home.

  • Cloris Virginia Ferguson

    Cloris Virginia “Ginny” (Gooby) Ferguson, of Cedarville, passed away Feb. 3, 2021, at Friends Care Center in Yellow Springs.  She was 93.

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