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  • Latest Kieth’s Alley mural complete— Unpacking the ‘Tarot of America’

    Located on the rear of the building that houses Current Cuisine/Dark Star Comics/Pangaea, which has been a “free wall” since 1988, the “Tarot of America” features a panoply of social justice themes.

  • Jonas Bahn: 2021 Recipient of the Lauren Heaton Scholarship

    The Yellow Springs News congratulates Jonas Bahn as the first recipient of the Lauren Heaton Scholarship for Aspiring Journalists.

  • Email sparks legal concern

    The ground rules for who can support levy campaigns, and when and how they do it, arose this week when a community member questioned the legality of an email forwarded by the Yellow Springs Schools district office.

  • Teachers Morgan, Nickell to retire

    As the 2020–21 school year — a unique one by any standard — came to a close, so did the years of service provided by five educators in the local school system.

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education • Special Meeting

    Yellow Springs Board of Education • Special Meeting

  • DORA opponents air views

    Opponents of creating a designated outdoor refreshment area, or DORA, in Yellow Springs shared their thoughts at a Village of Yellow Springs town hall two weeks ago. The meeting was arranged as a way to elicit public feedback about the proposal. However, no citizen or local business owner spoke in favor of it.

  • Chris Brookshire & Rachel Brookshire McKinley

    A memorial service for Chris Brookshire and Rachel Brookshire McKinley will be held Saturday, July 3, beginning at 11 a.m., in the Senior Center great room. The community is invited to attend and share stories and remember Chris and Rachel.

  • Peter “Kelly” Philips

    Peter “Kelly” Philips passed away May 30, 2021.

  • Stephen Jay Scherr

    Stephen Jay Scherr passed away May 18, 2021, in Woodbridge, Va., due to complications of pancreatic cancer. He was 62.

  • Little Thunders— Opening up

    “I ask myself — has there ever been ‘normal?’ In my own perspective, there have always been waves of coming in and going out. A reverence for the care of the community and the care for our planet, our land and our waters, is an Indigenous way of being.”

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