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An aerial view of the 51 acres that the Miamisburg developer Oberer purchased for a residential development of an estimated 138 units. About a third of the land (foreground) lies within the Village’s corporation limit, while 34 acres in Miami Township will be part of an annexation petition. (Photo courtesy of ChrisK Realtors)

Council to annex 34 acres for residential development

At its recent meeting Tuesday, July 6, Village Council approved the first reading of an ordinance to annex 34 acres in Miami Township into the village for a residential development.

Oberer, a Miamisburg semi-custom home builder, owns 55 acres at the southern end of Spillan Road, with 17 acres already within village limits. Oberer plans to build 138 housing units, with houses expected to start at $280,000.

Project manager Greg Smith told Council that Oberer will develop the property “one way or another” since it is already zoned for single-family housing, but that the company prefers to have the entire parcel in the village.

“We see it as one neighborhood, and we’d like it to be in the same community,” he said. “We see that as a benefit.”

Village Manager Josué Salmerón touted the financial benefits of annexation, which he said would bring in $188,000 more in income tax during construction and $8,600 more annually in taxes and utilities.

Council briefly discussed traffic concerns with the project. Council members Kevin Stokes and Laura Curliss expressed their support for an entrance into the development from U.S. 68, which would require the approval of a private property owner.

Smith, however, said that Oberer does not favor an entrance along U.S. 68, which he said may increase traffic “cutting through the new development.”

Smith said Oberer is conducting a traffic study to see if there are any issues, adding, “if it results in needs, we will address them then.”

Council members Marianne MacQueen and Lisa Kreeger stated their preference for annexation, which could allow the developer to build a greater variety of housing types and sizes through the PUD zoning process.

“For me, having an annexation builds our engagement with the intended project and with the community,” Kreeger said.


One Response to “Council to annex 34 acres for residential development”

  1. charles werking says:

    Goodbye green space! Hello more crappy houses. We need a council and planning department that will stand up for the environment and historic structures and not greedy developers and oligarchs. Look at small towns that have controlled their growth through comprehensive planning and visionary conservation – Oxford OH, Columbus IN, Mendocino CA, Ithaca NY, Carmel CA – wonderful, timeless places with community members who make awful developments, sprawl, and violating historic structures almost impossible. How do these places do this? Dedication through policy and protection.

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