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  • Paul T. Nelson

    So join me in reveling in the time that you knew him, cherish the rings you shared, and know that Horace Mann would be proud.

  • School board broaches phone concerns

    The discussion was prompted by a letter written to the board by a group of 16 parents of local students; the letter lauded “the merits of phone-free learning environments.”

  • Yellow Springs Village Manager Josué Salmerón resigns

    After four years as Yellow Springs village manager, Josué Salmerón has resigned. His last day is Sept. 3.

  • Village Council responds to recent bike fatality

    On Monday, July 17, Village Council once again turned its attention to traffic concerns in Yellow Springs — this time with added fervor and urgency stemming from a fatal incident that occurred earlier this month.

  • 2023 General Election | Candidacy filing deadline looms

    The filing period for the November municipal election is nearing its deadline. Those seeking candidacy have until Wednesday, Aug. 4, at 4 p.m., to file their petitions for election with the Greene County Board of Elections.

  • Art on the Lawn set for Aug. 12

    Ceramicist Richard Overman, of Cincinnati, exhibited mugs and other pieces with strong personalities at this year's Art on the Lawn. (Photo by Isaac Delamarte)

    More than 100 artists from Ohio and beyond will gather under the shade trees outside Mills Lawn to show and sell their original fine art and crafts at this year’s Art on the Lawn on Saturday, Aug. 12, 10 a.m.–5 p.m., rain or shine.

  • Yellow Springs Tree Committee to host webinar on longhorned beetle

    The Yellow Springs Tree Committee will host a webinar titled “Asian Longhorned Beetle: The Threat in Black and White,” on Monday, July 24, at 6 p.m.

  • Perry League | T-ballers shine in the ‘dog days’

    Friday night’s T-ball contest was like those preceding this season, having in common a field overflowing with sunshine! And each one of the Perry League players in attendance projected that light.

  • Public Meetings

    Public Meetings

  • YS Development Company, Village Council talk economic development

    At a June 29 joint meeting with YSDC and Village Council, participants grappled with the complexities of economic growth and development and its implications for both village residents and businesses.

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