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  • Omnibus: collectibles on the corner

    Since opening her eclectic knickknack store on May 5, new village resident Jessica McGee said this year’s tourist season has really helped the new business.

  • Miami Township Trustees to change BZA procedures

    The changes come following a June 5 meeting of the trustees in which local resident Steve Wirrig, owner of the Wirrig family pavilion between U.S. 68 North and Meredith Road, laid out concerns regarding the transparency of the BZA and the actions of Zoning Inspector Richard Zopf.

  • Two ‘Barbie’ Reviews | ‘Plastic politics’ and ‘A doll’s duality’

    On Friday, July 21, the Little Art Theatre debuted “Barbie” to a capacity crowd. News writers Reilly Dixon and Lauren “Chuck” Shows reviewed the film.

  • Heat can’t dampen Perry League joy

    Before the game even started, a trio of girls were observed in the infield tossing the fine dirt above their heads and making clouds while belting out “Let it Go.”

  • Building Community | McGruder brings expertise, experience to local orgs

    Kevin McGruder, who has lived in Yellow Springs for 11 years, has spent his time in the village finding space for himself, and in turn, creating space for others.

  • Emergency cooling shelters established

    National Weather Service heat index chart.

    The John Bryan Community Center has been designated as a 24-hour emergency cooling center; Greene County Public Libraries are also designated as cooling centers during hours of operation.

  • News from the Past: July 2023

    In 1973, 50 years ago, Antioch College welcomes 243 new students to campus. 25 years ago, the Yellow Springs Women’s Park was officially opened and dedicated. Ten years ago, a firefight and all-night standoff took place in the village.

  • Special Village Council Meeting Agenda

    Special Village Council Meeting Agenda

  • Public Meetings

    Public Meetings

  • Patricia Lou Kerns

    Patricia Lou Kerns, 85, died Friday, July 21.

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