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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 120

  • Swine flu arrives in county

    As in most of the rest of the country, the H1N1 flu, or swine flu, has arrived in Greene County, according to Don Brannon, epidemiologist of the Greene County Combined Health Department in an interview this week. While Brannon had no information regarding specific numbers in Yellow Springs because those numbers are not being recorded, about 10 people with the flu have been hospitalized in the county this month, he said.

  • Survey highlights concerns of special needs parents

    Most parents of special needs children in the Yellow Springs school system are satisfied with their children’s program. However, the level of satisfaction drops considerably when the child moves from Mills Lawn to the middle school and high school, where a lack of communication between parents and teachers, and teachers with each other, are perceived areas of discontent.

  • Village faces easement suit

    After an executive session following its Oct. 5 meeting, Village Council passed a resolution of intent to appropriate an easement from a Township resident who is suing the Village over a disputed easement on his property adjacent to Village limits.

  • Alumni celebrate their new college

    Alumni from across the country who came to Yellow Springs for the weekend reunion. The event was a celebration of the revival of Antioch College as an independent liberal arts institution, a deal finalized Sept. 4 when alumni leaders received the keys to the college from leaders of Antioch University.

  • Bench talk gets new legs

    A recent mediated dialogue between local young people and downtown business owners has increased understanding between the two groups and will likely result in a new public bench downtown, Village Council members were told at their Oct. 5 meeting. “The message to the youth is that they’re important to the community and that we want […]

  • Levy renewal talk begins

    At a Sept. 28 special meeting on a possible renewal of the Village property tax levy, several Council members stated their preference for a future levy at a reduced amount.

    “Given that we care about affordability and this levy has been a burden on people, I feel we should think about a significant reduction,” Council President Judith Hempfling said.

  • Village is ‘best hometown’

    If you think Yellow Springs is a wonderful place to call home, the editors of Ohio Magazine agree with you. They recently announced that the village has been selected as one of five “Best Ohio Hometowns” for 2010. “It’s a great opportunity,” Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Karen Wintrow said of the selection […]

  • Filmmakers strike a nerve with D.C. ‘Tea Party’ march video

    “We knew when we were putting it up that if it had a certain quality and speed, it might get attention,” Whiteside said.

  • Alumni housing needed for Antioch College reunion

    Villagers who want to contribute to enhancing the relationship between Yellow Springs and the recently-revived Antioch College have an opportunity to do so by opening their homes to alumni for the upcoming Antioch College alumni reunion. “The idea is to keep building the network between town and gown,” said Steven Duffy, the assistant director of […]

  • Council considers new group with economic advisory role

    At their Sept. 8 meeting, members of Village Council continued an earlier discussion regarding how the Village should best approach economic development. At issue was a motion by Council President Judith Hempfling that Council establish an economic sustainability committee. Council did not take action at the meeting due to concerns from Council members Kathryn Van der Heiden and Karen Wintrow that Council’s new economic sustainability staff person, who has not yet been hired, should be on the job before an advisory group is established.

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